All signs point to…2014
2014 is just hours away, can you believe it? Last year had more than its share of ups and downs, but the New Year looks promising already. For instance: We're anticipating something wonderful on the home front! I'm thrilled beyond words and…sworn to secrecy, at least for now. I'm really good at staying mum, so don't try to pry it out of me. But when the time is right, cue the trumpets and party hats! You'll hear all about it, I assure you.
First things first, though. It's time to ring in the new year!

Here at Joyful Noise, we're very fond of traditions. Hence, the annual pre-New Year's Eve party, where we gather around the orbital oracle, aka Magic 8-Ball, and ask our most pressing questions about the future. Everyone's invited; come as you are, and bring your friends!
Ready to shake things up a bit? The Magic 8-Ball is ready, whenever you are! The rules, they are simple:
- DO address the Magic 8-Ball with all due respect ("Oh Magic 8-Ball…" or something similar).
- DO ask Yes/No questions. (No long-winded questions/answers, sorry! That's not how the Magic 8-Ball rolls.)
- DO concentrate as you click on the "post comment" button.
- DO ask as many questions as you'd like, but enter them as separate comments.
- DON'T be deterred if the Magic 8-Ball tells you to ASK AGAIN LATER. Persist & prevail!
- While you're waiting for the Magic 8-Ball's 2014 predictions, take a quick glance in the rear view mirror. What did you ask the Magic 8-Ball on New Year's Eve 2012, and how accurate were its answers?
- DON'T take the Magic 8-Ball's answers too seriously. It's a party game, not gospel truth.