Blessed are the peacemakers

He seems innocent enough, and as cuddly as can be…

But looks can be deceiving!!

So I’ve surrounded the most vulnerable (read: tasty) plants with a rabbit guard fence. It’s worked out well so far…my flowers are thriving, and the bunnies, birds, and butterflies are co-existing in peace.


(You can download this last image for your personal use, but please keep the watermark intact.)


The lucky winner of American Girl’s Suzie “Z” Yang doll is…

Such a treat, to see  Suzie”Z” Yang–American Girl’s newest character doll–leap off the screen and into your hearts!  But hmmm, with so many sweet entries and just one prize, how could I possibly pick a winner?

I jotted down everyone’s name, folded the slips of paper, and stashed them in Z’s backpack.

You know where this is leading, don’t you?

We took a trip to one of Z Crew’s favorite hangouts!

Willy Wanka music wafts through Powell’s Sweet Shoppe, and the cotton candy machine flashes neon.  Piñatas dangle from the stamped tin ceiling  and who can resist this colorful display of vintage toys and candy?

This is Victoria, the lucky proprietor of Powell’s. She’s got a ready smile, and wouldn’t you, if you could wile away the hours in a place like this? As of today, Victoria’s also an honorary member of Z’s Crew. (I snapped this photo shortly after she graciously agreed to draw the winner’s name.)

19 entries in Z’s backpack…is your name among them?

Oops, camera slip! (I double-dog dare you not to get sidetracked by these yummy displays!!)

And now, without further ado, the winner of American Girl’s first Korean-American doll is….

Janet Clare F wins her very own Suzie “Z” Yang doll!  

Here’s what our lucky winner had to say about Z Yang:

What I like best is that Z is Korean-American. I have three wonderful and close Korean friends. They are among the best and kindest people I know. What I love about Z as well is that she is creative and has attitude. She figures a way to solve her problem rather than just be defeated by her situation. I love how she has decided to have each of her AG friends look around and share what is neat about her hometown. Should I be lucky enough to win this doll, she will be gifted to our granddaughter who will come to know how much we value our Korean friends, creativity and strong people who work in positive ways to solve the problems in their lives and in the world.”

Congratulations, Janet, and thanks to everyone who entered!