1. You and I have our differences. You and I also can discuss these differences without condescension or derision. Your One Wish may still come true. Such is the fickleness of our great system and nation.

  2. I’ve read this over a couple times now. I keep saying to myself that you’re talking about you and me! Then I realize that it’s a credit to your writing that many of us are saying the same thing. You take us to a restaurant, on a walk and finally to dessert. All while making a poignant statement of today’s tumult. Thanks for taking us ALL along!

  3. This is so moving and beautiful! You are a lovely writer with a heart for humanity and I am honored to know you. We all need each other to get through this dark time. I have never been so fearful for or ashamed of my country.

  4. Kim Baccellia

    Truth. I just was at a restaurant where emotions were heated. I was challenged and instead of rising to the bait I repeated, “Let’s just agree to disagree.” The anger of the other two in that restaurant frightened me. Why? Because it feels as if common courtesy has left our country. Now it’s either you’re right or wrong. The one wish I had? I think you know, Melodye. Once again you are able to show your own feelings about the direction of our country in such a poignant way without being in the reader’s face. We need more civility. Thank you for that.

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