We meditated by the water’s edge, saying goodbye to 2019 and inviting goodness and light into the New Year.

We wrote our intentions in the sand with driftwood and allowed the incoming waves to wash them out to sea.

Three close friends, basking in the sunshine and enjoying each other’s company.
Two small girls walked past, holding their young mother’s hands. They glanced back at us, watching our every move.
The littlest one caught my gaze. I smiled and then added a rose from my garden to the words I’d etched in the sand.

She grinned, grabbed a stick of her own, and lifted it overhead. An unspoken gesture of solidarity among kindreds.
When we left the beach a while later, she was writing her own story into the sand.

Singular events, brimming with joy and sprinkled with magic. This is what we live for. And if we’re lucky enough, we have friends and loved ones with whom to share them.

Happy New Year, everybody! Wishing you every goodness in the now, and every good thing on the horizon.
What a great idea! Too late for me to do it this year but I’ll have to put that on my list for next year! I know my daughter would love that too. She’s an ocean person too.
You can do this anytime, really. Water’s such a great metaphor, and who doesn’t like starting the new year (month, project, day, relationship…) with a clean slate?
Happy New Year, Janet!
Happy New Year Melodye. And all shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.
Thank you, Donna, for the “good word.” I felt my shoulders settle and my breath was less shallow after reading it.
Happy New Year, dear friend.
love your poetry. HAPPY NEW YEAR, 2020.
Love that you visit me here, Lovella! Happy New Year, my friend! xo
Lovely post and narrative. Thank you!
Thank you for being my friend and for visiting my blog. Happy New Year, dear Carol!
Happy New Year, Melodye!!
Happy New Year, Melodye!