If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. ~Mother Teresa
Just a few days until DEAR BULLY makes its official debut…I can’t wait to hold an actual copy in my hands!

In the meantime, I wanted to share with you a related project. Linger awhile–there’s a contest (with prizes!) at the end.
CIRCLE OF CARING is an open membership group whose primary mission is to “encourage people to take an audible and visible stand against bullying…to create a circle of concern, protection, and care around those who are bullied.”
Novelist Elizabeth (Beth) Massie created this global outreach project. We forged an instant friendship on Facebook, borne of our mutual interest in bullying awareness activities. But here, I must also confess my magpie-ish attraction to her bracelets.

Ooooh, shiny objects! They’re beautiful in their own right, of course, but even more so for the positive statement they make. Here, in Beth’s own words, the symbolism behind these circles of caring:
[T]hose who wear them are stating – by the act of wearing the bracelets – that they are willing to step up and speak out actively and assertively when they see someone being bullied. That they will not be drawn into bullying himself or herself. And those who are bullied will be able to known the guardians of their safety simply by seeing who wears the bracelets.
Conceptually, the bracelet design is fairly simple. There’s a single, yellow bead at the center of the circle. It represents the inner light–the innate human value–of any person who may be the target of bullying. The other beads are unique to each wearer: handmade, recycled, or store-bought materials that serve as talismans of our interconnectedness. They’re for people of all ages, cultural backgrounds, and belief systems–same as the spirit of kindness they represent. Inclusiveness is the byword for those who create them–like this beautiful Circle of Caring submitted by Sheri Goad and her Cub Scout Bears:

I hope others will make their own bracelets, too, with the yellow center beads representing the valuable person in need of protection and support, and that they, in turn, will also share them and/or wear them. Let’s get lots of them out there into the hands of people who care enough to intervene. Let’s make ourselves visible as allies.
Generous soul that she is, Beth sent me several bracelets. In turn, and in honor of DEAR BULLY’s September 6th release date, I’m offering my blog readers the opportunity to win a “Circle of Caring” for themselves. The rules are simple: just drop a message of support for Beth in the comments thread. Deadline: September 5th, at 8:00 a.m., Eastern. I’ll draw two names from the entries submitted, and will announce the winners on September 6th.
NOTE: Did you know that October is Bullying Awareness Month? Wouldn’t it be fun to create your own bracelets, as an after-school activity or at a writers’ retreat? And why not wear them, as a show of solidarity, for the next couple of months? I’ll copy/paste Beth’s directions in the comments.They’re easy-peasy, I promise.
To Make a Circle of Caring Bracelet (via Beth)
*1 large round bright yellow or canary yellow bead (I’ve used yellow crystal, wooden, glass, or plastic beads. Bright or canary yellow can be a difficult color to find but they are out there, and bright yellow is an important color since the yellow represents the “life-light” or innate human value of the person who is bullied.)
*4 yellow seed beads with large holes, or yellow beads that are noticeably smaller than the large yellow bead
*A variety of glass, ceramic, plastic, stone, and/or wooden beads – all colors EXCEPT yellow (this way, the yellow stands out to represent the “life-light,” or the innate human value, of the person who is bullied.)
*Elastic thread. Elastic makes more of a “one size fits all.”
How to put it together (it’s SIMPLE!):
Thread the larger yellow bead and then add two smaller matching yellow beads to each side of the larger yellow bead. After that add beads in any combination of colors, sizes, and materials. Do your best to add beads in equal measure on either side of the yellow beads, so the knot ends up on the opposite side of the yellow beads. This placement of the yellow beads represents the bullied person being in the middle of the Circle of Caring. Measure around your wrist as you go to get an idea of how big to make it. Make at least a triple knot in the elastic cord.
Have fun with it! Wear them and share them. Make sure the people you give them to know what the bracelets represent.
Re: To Make a Circle of Caring Bracelet (via Beth)
Thank you for the great idea! I am beginning to use the Conscious Discipline program this year and can see this as a wonderful tie-in for my third graders! Thank you, Beth, for your efforts! In a world where bullying abounds, and children are seeing so much evidence of it (even our state legislators bullying their constituents) we have to be more diligent than ever to help our students be non-bullies!
Re: To Make a Circle of Caring Bracelet (via Beth)
Wonderful!! I’m so grateful for all you’re doing to help stomp out bullying.
Bullying can sneak into our lives from the smallest of hidey-holes or the largest of bunkers…unless we’re vigilant, that is, and know how and where to look. Thanks for sharing your ideas for increasing awareness.
Hope you’ll come back to identify yourself, so that we can toss your name into the hat for our drawing.
Thank you, Melodye, for the heads-up on October–and thank YOU, Beth, for this wonderful idea. I’m not very artsy, but I’ve always wanted to do beading and this is a great opportunity. xox
Hello, Beth, I’m one of Melodye’s fellow “magpie” friends (I, too, love shiny, beautiful objects). I’m a recovering (ahem) beader and love what you’ve created here. A worthy sentiment in a gorgeous package.
You’re a beader (or were at one time, ahem)??? Yay! I should’ve suspected it–you’ve got that shimmery-shiny aura about you. 🙂
I’d love (LOVE!) to see your handiwork, Tracy. I hope you’ll consider backsliding, at least where this worthwhile project’s concerned. If anyone belongs in the Circle of Caring, ’tis you… xo
I love Beth’s bracelets, and the symbolism of each element–wonderful! It’s a great suggestion for an antibullying activity, making these
Thanks for supporting this project–I’m sure Beth will appreciate your kind words. I love the bracelets for all that they symbolize. Yet another reminder that, while the issue of bullying is too large for any of us to resolve on our own, small gestures (and talismans) can make a big difference.
Will the Circle Remain Unbroken
A great way to raise awareness and encourage people to take a stand against bullying in any form.
Re: Will the Circle Remain Unbroken
Amen to all you’ve said!
Time to rummage through your stash of beads & create a Circle of Caring for yourself? 🙂
(I’m not entering the contest, but I did want to leave a message.)
I think it’s so wonderful to see adults opening up about their challenging times as kids — and for kids to see that they’re not alone. Hopefully, as more and more people get involved with anti-bullying messages, society will truly change. 🙂
I’m grateful for the outpouring of stories–from the “It Gets Better” and Circle of Caring projects, to DEAR BULLY and beyond. I don’t discount the power of a single voice, but when we lift our voices together, wow! Big things can and do happen!
This is fantastic and so exciting for you and all involved with the project, Melodye. This really is awesome. And thank you for all you and your friends do to raise awareness of bullying… not nearly enough is being done to prevent it. *HUGS*
I’m grateful for all you do to help support awareness activities & projects, Kevin.
I feel so very lucky, in that I’m surrounded by compassionate people like you. I wish the same for everyone whose lives have been touched by this issue–bullies and bullied, alike. xo
These look sooooo cool. . .
I’d love not only to win one of these made by your hands, but to make these with my students this year as we begin to build our classroom community. What a super idea. I work with juniors and sometimes their worldview can be a little limited. . .this book and this idea can help to address this in a way that is inclusive versus punitive. The work you do is SO important. Thank you!
Re: These look sooooo cool. . .
The prizes are courtesy of Elizabeth Massie, the founder of Circle of Caring. But if your name is drawn, I’ll make you a bracelet myself–to wear or give away in your classroom.
Feel free to pass along the link. More entries = increased awareness. And so it is that the Circle of Caring grows. 🙂
Circle of Caring
Beth, What a phenomenal idea!!! I hope it catches on just like the LiveStrong bracelets!!! I am presenting on Bullying at the NCTE in Chicago. Would love to have some of these!! 🙂 Well done!
Re: Circle of Caring
Anonymous, would you please identify yourself? Such a nice comment–I’d like to thank you directly. And I’d like to include your name in the drawing. 🙂
Re: Circle of Caring
love the bracelets and cannot wait to read the book!
Re: Circle of Caring
You and me, both! I’m so excited about this project. (Thanks for stopping by, Debbi!)
Re: Circle of Caring
Congratulations, new friend!!! You won a Circle of Caring bracelet! I’d like to get it out to you before next week, so please send me an email with your postal address. Alternatively, you could get in touch with me on FB….
Re: Circle of Caring
the bracelets are so neat we will enjoy wearing them and love the book, i predict the dear bully book will be very popular.thanks for the special prize.sincerely,deb
Thank you!
Thanks for the wonderful comments, everyone! I’m so happy Melodye has taken up the cause of bullying prevention and intervention, and I’m honored to have some of the Circle of Caring bracelets offered as a prize to some of you! I think it would be *fantastic* to make these as projects in schools, clubs, organizations, families, or gatherings of friends! I have to laugh at the “shiny object” comments; do I ever relate! 😉 I wear my bracelet nearly every day and have been asked frequently what it represents. I’ve given them away to grandparents, parents, high school students, middle school and elementary students (boys and men, too) and the checkout girl at our grocery store. I’ve had requests for instructions from folks in Canada, Sweden, and in the last week, New Zealand. I love wearing and sharing something that is a visible indication that I care about the issue and will stand up for those who are bullied. Thanks again for the comments! And thanks, Melodye, for sharing bracelets and info! xxoo
Elizabeth Massie 🙂
Re: Thank you!
Elizabeth, would you like to draw two names tomorrow morning? I’d be honored to have you do that! But shhh, it’s a secret!
After you’ve selected the winning entries, send them to me by email. I’ll announce both winners on September 6th, in celebration of DEAR BULLY’s release date. FUN!!
Re: Thank you!
thank you melody and beth good idea i can’t wait to read the book!
Re: Thank you!
You’re welcome, Anonymous! So glad you stopped by. I’d love to throw your name in with all the other contest entries, so please come back & identify yourself… 🙂
Re: Thank you!
I’ll be happy to draw two names…and be all shhh-y about it! I have a doctor appoint. in the earlier a.m. but should be home by 11. I’ll select the names and send you the e-mail ASAP. 🙂 Fun, and THANKS!!!
Beth 🙂
dear bully
is going to be very popular! so are the bracelets, c i am psychic
Re: dear bully
Your mouth to God’s ears, for the humblest and most sincere reasons.
Beth- what a great idea! I went out and bought a bunch of beads today. Our first Cub Scout meeting is next Monday. I plan on sharing this idea with the boys, talk about bullying and have the kids make 2 bracelets each, one to wear and one to share. I didn’t find yellow beads so I bought wooden beads and plan to paint them.
Thanks for sharing such a meaningful idea for such a great cause.
Oh yay! Can I just say that this makes me all misty-eyed? What a great Cub Scout activity. They’re lucky to have you as their leader.
(I bought sparkly yellow beads at Michaels, but hand-painted wood beads sound more organic–and totally awesome.
I hope you’ll take pictures and/or report back on how it went. =:)
I will for sure share pictures. If all goes well our Den might bring this activity with us to the camp out at the end of the month to share with the pack.
I was trying to find beads that were more geared towards something the boys would like. I’m thinking the sparkly yellow might not go over as well. I did find a big bag of colored and different shaped wood beads. There were a few yellow ones in there but not enough for all the boys. I might end up going back and getting the yellow pony beads for the 4 smaller yellows. I’ve been trying to figure out all summer what to do for our first meeting. This idea is perfect and could not have better timing.
Love the idea of painting wooden beads to make them yellow. Yellow is such an important color in this project but I know they can be a bit harder to find than other colors. So cool you’re doing this with Cub Scouts! Yellow pony beads would certainly work for the smaller yellow ones. 🙂 Glad the timing was good! Thanks for sharing the project with the boys!
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