Circle of Caring

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. ~Mother Teresa
Just a few days until DEAR BULLY makes its official debut…I can’t wait to hold an actual copy in my hands!

In the meantime, I wanted to share with you a related project. Linger awhile–there’s a contest (with prizes!) at the end.
CIRCLE OF CARING is an open membership group whose primary mission is to “encourage people to take an audible and visible stand against bullying…to create a circle of concern, protection, and care around those who are bullied.”
Novelist Elizabeth (Beth) Massie created this global outreach project. We forged an instant friendship on Facebook, borne of our mutual interest in bullying awareness activities. But here, I must also confess my magpie-ish attraction to her bracelets.

Ooooh, shiny objects! They’re beautiful in their own right, of course, but even more so for the positive statement they make. Here, in Beth’s own words, the symbolism behind these circles of caring:
[T]hose who wear them are stating – by the act of wearing the bracelets – that they are willing to step up and speak out actively and assertively when they see someone being bullied. That they will not be drawn into bullying himself or herself. And those who are bullied will be able to known the guardians of their safety simply by seeing who wears the bracelets.
Conceptually, the bracelet design is fairly simple. There’s a single, yellow bead at the center of the circle. It represents the inner light–the innate human value–of any person who may be the target of bullying. The other beads are unique to each wearer: handmade, recycled, or store-bought materials that serve as talismans of our interconnectedness. They’re for people of all ages, cultural backgrounds, and belief systems–same as the spirit of kindness they represent. Inclusiveness is the byword for those who create them–like this beautiful Circle of Caring submitted by Sheri Goad and her Cub Scout Bears:

I hope others will make their own bracelets, too, with the yellow center beads representing the valuable person in need of protection and support, and that they, in turn, will also share them and/or wear them. Let’s get lots of them out there into the hands of people who care enough to intervene. Let’s make ourselves visible as allies.
Generous soul that she is, Beth sent me several bracelets. In turn, and in honor of DEAR BULLY’s September 6th release date, I’m offering my blog readers the opportunity to win a “Circle of Caring” for themselves. The rules are simple: just drop a message of support for Beth in the comments thread. Deadline: September 5th, at 8:00 a.m., Eastern. I’ll draw two names from the entries submitted, and will announce the winners on September 6th.
NOTE: Did you know that October is Bullying Awareness Month? Wouldn’t it be fun to create your own bracelets, as an after-school activity or at a writers’ retreat? And why not wear them, as a show of solidarity, for the next couple of months? I’ll copy/paste Beth’s directions in the comments.They’re easy-peasy, I promise.