The focus of this week’s art challenge is that mythical creator of mayhem, the Trickster.
In its broadest definition, a Trickster is an archetypal character who breaks all the rules. His antics are the stuff of legends, at once amusing and edifying. True, they’re mischievous. Given free rein, they can be troublemakers. But while they’re known for their shadow sides, they also offer levity and light.
An animal’s survival oftentimes depends on the clever art of camouflage. This lizard wears his cloak of near-invisibility well, don’t you think?
According to Lewis Hyde, ” Trickster myths begin with a being whose main concern is getting fed… whose creativity and intelligence allows him to outwit other eaters.”
So much for my bag of gingersnaps!
A Trickster is a shapeshifter. In the Navajo tradition, for instance, the lowly Caterpillar is considered sacred for its ability to transform into a winged Butterfly.
And yet, regal as it seems, the butterfly can be flighty and vain. Tricksy. So the Caterpillar is considered the more trustworthy of the two.
Creative beings that they are, tricksters like to shake things up a bit. They color outside the lines, giggle in church and (in subtle and/or outrageous ways), defy convention.
They are the visionaries and the pilgrims, the archeologists and the astronauts. Gifted with endless imaginations — and bottomless bags of tricks — it’s the Tricksters who invite us to look beyond the obvious, and who transport us to other worlds, as yet unexplored.
Linkfest! If you want to see other bloggers’ responses to this week’s challenge, click here, or visit my photographic response to last week’s challenge, stars.
Love that definition of trickster. Makes my husband one!! (And me too, I suppose!)
I think we all are Tricksters, in some ways. Some, more so than others. 🙂
Drawing challenge: The Trickster |
[…] visit our other magical tricksters: Patrice, Nadine, Sabine, Tania, Renilde, Katrin, Ariane, Melodye, Marian, Eric, Tammie and […]
Angels can be tricksters too. Sometimes guidance works better when it comes as a poke instead of a soothe.
Ah, interesting to think about! Can you think of any examples from the Bible or other religious texts? I’m going to be pondering this one for a while now… 🙂
what a wonderful post!
now i know a bit more about what the word trickster
much more meanings
that i wonder whether i have chosen
the right one ;^))
Patrice, that’s the big fun of these challenges, isn’t it? Seeing so many interpretations of the same word, based on each blogger’s unique style, sensibilities, and point of view…I’m inspired by everyone’s creativity, imagination and approach.
wonderful interpretation Melody, interesting, yes there are quite some tricks used both by fauna and flora to survive, amazing world, your photos are great illustrations here, and yes you look like a trickster yourself 🙂 xx
i enjoyed your post very much
you have honored the trickster well
and i leave with a smile
So many facets of a trickster! That was quite a colourful, funny and informative post! Take care of your cookies!! 😉
Wonderful (and funny:) collection of tricksters!
hee hee. you tricked us, gently!! ;))) how fetching.
seen from your images your photography is quite on its way, melodye! since you asked about images and tips on photoshopping, i must admit i took the knowledge and practice from the net. one thing i learned through it is patience, because sometimes it takes me a long time to get to the heart of a solution. a golden tip from school is, make an image IN your camera, so working on it is unnecessary or reduced to an absolute minimum. composition indeed is everything. thxs for your wonderful words! n♥
Ha! I’ve got those darn gulls here too! Nothing’s safe from those tricksters. Lovely photos and a wonderfully happy post Melodye. Thank you.
I’m very late checking back with everyone because I forgot my pc charger and was computer free for the whole weekend! 😀 What am I like? Hope you have a wonderful week. Big hugs.