Friday Five

So much about the publishing world is a mystery, isn’t it? Just for fun, I’ve asked five “experts” to predict my writerly fortunes.


1. Will I make my debut book sale before I’m old enough to schedule my first colonoscopy?

Magic 8-Ball:
 Ask again later.


Will my dream agent and I form a partnership by the end of this month?

Fortune cookie:
If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.


3. How about a sneak preview of my first book review?

 Bible Dipping: There the wicked cease from raging, and here the weary are at rest. Job 3:17

4. Is there anything I can do today to increase my chances of publication?

The Ace of Wands Tarot card
: Your power today lies in initiation. You are a winner by virtue of your desire, belief, vision, and intention. You bring fresh inspiration into the world and are master of your domain. Your solution is found in creative transformation and you are empowered by your spark of life.

5. Any words of advice for me as I write this next chapter?

Scorpio’s horoscope
: Your day is a bigger challenge than you may be used to, but of course you can rise up to meet it with relative ease. Try not to get too cocky about it, but make sure the right people know you’re still in the game.

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Act now! Quantities limited!

Last April, I blogged about the panel discussions I attended at the L.A. Times Festival of books. I liked a couple of sessions so much that I bought the DVD recordings. One that might be interesting to some of you is “Young Adult Fiction: Rites of Initiation.” I also have a very entertaining recording of Mitch Albom interviewing Frank McCourt. I’m happy to mail either one to you if you will, in turn, pass it on when you’re finished and/or make copies for other people who might also want to see them. First come, first served; I only have one copy of each.

(In cleaning up my office, I’m discovering all sorts of junk buried treasures! I seriously need to rent a dumpster hold a garage sale.) 

UPDATE: [info]artistq is the lucky first-round winner. She’s agreed, however, to pass them along to you when she’s finished. Interested? Send her an email at the address she’s provided in the comments.

Left to Right: John Green, Per Nilsson, Andreas Steinhöfel, and Markus Zusak

More Alike Than Unalike?

Maya Angelou once noted, “We are more alike than we are unalike.” Her words are a ray of hope in these troubled times. So over coffee this morning, I challenged myself to find similarities with leaders from across the political aisle. 

When I kept my focus on writing-related connections, I discovered two examples fairly quickly, despite an incomplete dose of caffeine.

1) President Bush’s press conference notes look a lot like my own draft outlines — absolutely unintelligible to anyone but me.

2) Secretary Rumsfeld’s verbal gymnastics bear striking similarities to the mental twists and turns I take while forming chapters from my notes:

“As we know, there are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say, we know there are some things we do not know, but there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”  Feb. 12, 2002, Department of Defense news briefing

Yes, I know my reach across the aisle was a stretch. Regardless, I’m going to keep my emphasis on the positive today, looking for examples that support Maya Angelou’s encouraging words. First, I’ll pour myself another mug of coffee. I’m hoping that’ll help. 

She Who Stands for Something

When I was a little girl, my mother gave me her own version of the lemming speech. (You know the one: “If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you follow them?” ) Except hers was more a challenge than a question. “If you don’t stand for something,” she warned, “you’ll fall for everything.”

This watercolor and poem hangs on my wall, a symbolic representation of that axiom. Unfortunately, the colors are muddied in this image, but the poem’s message is clear:

She Who Stands for Something

She chooses the purity
Of truth over popularity
Possessing the moral courage
To make her action consistent
With her knowledge
Of right and wrong,
She knows that the choices she makes today
Will shape her into the woman
She will be tomorrow. 

This woman’s life defines
Such words as love,
forgiveness, charity,
Service, compassion and godliness.
For she knows who she is
And what she believes. 

Her integrity is founded
On unswerving principle.
She is beyond reproach,
And her courage is unsurpassed.
As she carries the banner of truth,

Everyone knows
She stands for something. 

Today, the California Assembly passed AB 2165 on a 71-1 vote, including a provision for expedited delivery to Governor Schwarzenegger’s desk. I’m feeling grateful and a bit overwhelmed by the symbolic value of this final vote. Like most people, I’m sometimes unable or unwilling to speak my truth. But on this issue, I’m very glad I took a stand. 

*Image and poem used with permission of artist and author Suzy Toronto. Take a look at her beautiful artwork and inspiring poetry here.