1. Guess what?!!!

    My house stands on the former drive-in spot! My house is right where the screen used to be!
    I would love to get a speaker and mount it by my front door!

  2. I used to love drive-ins! We lived near one and I’d always crane my neck to see what was playing when we drove by. I saw To Kill a Mockingbird at the drive-in. I was 10 and my mother wanted me to go to sleep (she knew what was coming), but once I saw Scout, I hung on the back of the front seat, wide-eyed. I don’t even think I blinked.

  3. I wish! Land is just too precious (and rare!) to devote to an open-air theatre. It’s all about the Benjamins, y’know?

    (You *should*take a field trip to the drive-in with your kids…What a wonderful way to spend a summer evening!)

  4. I loved going to the drive-in in Ascutney, which was roughly 7 miles from where we lived. It was smack dab in the middle of a corn field and everyone used to take burlap bags and sneak into the corn field and fill them up during intermission. True it was cattle corn, but when it is in the milk it’s just as good as regular corn. There is now a church on that site : ( We still have a few that are in operation/

    The Randall Drive-In in Bethel is still operating. It’s the smallest single screen in the state, with only a 200 car capacity.

    The Sunset Drive-In in Colchester has been in business since 1948 and is oldest continuously operated Drive-in in New England.

    The Fairlee Drive-In in Fairlee is one of only 2 Drive-ins in America that have a motel on the premises with each room having a view of the movie screen. It has been in operation since 1950

    The St. Albans Drive-In in St Albans has a capacity for 500 cars.

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