1. We went in 1958 when we were visiting relatives in L.A. and the prices must have been even cheaper! I remember taking the teacup ride and what was probably Pirates of the Caribbean or its forerunner. My brother and I got Donald Duck hats because we thought Mickey Mouse was too…Mickey Mouse. 🙂

    • Wow, you visited Disneyland when it was in its infancy. Things have changed a lot since then, haven’t they? LOL, remember the Carousel of Progress?

      And ha ha ha about the hats. Yeah…Mickey. 😉

    • Wow, you were at Disneyland during its infancy! Things have changed a lot since then, haven’t they? LOL, remember the Carousel of Progress?

      And ha ha ha about the hats. Yeah…Mickey Mouse. 🙂

  2. Did you know that “Small World” started as a World’s Fair exhibit? It was Disney’s entry, natch.

    I’m also old enough to remember the ticket books (tickets needed for each ride). :>) Glad they finally did away with that.

    • I *didn’t* know that–wow, I’m glad you told me.

      I actually get nostalgic about those ticket books. Sigh, I’m guessing only People of a Certain Age remember the thrill of “E-Ticket rides.”

  3. Eleanor Heldt forgot to note that the new attraction features an earworm of a song, guaranteed to ring in one’s head for weeks afterward! 😉

  4. I love how ‘the ladies will be enchanted by the rich and beautifully decorated costumes and plumage – complete with matching jewels.’ I suppose the ladies weren’t sophisticated enough to appreciate the technology of audio animatronics. I think I’ll get out my pearls and my high heels, doff my pinny and go be enchanted next Monday.

    Thank you for the smile.

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