1. And of course I know of this situation from our exchange earlier in the week. So sorry for your sweet in-laws–72 years of marriage! That is almost inconceivable, and wonderful.

    I’ll be thinking of you. (And yes, warm clothing. It’s -10 F this morning, here. [most days are not this cold, though!])

  2. 72 years together! How blessed. And blessed that they have you to help them.

    I think next week is going to warm up into the 20s and 30s! You might have to wear all your clothes at once!

  3. It Is A Small World, After All

    Safe flight, be strong. You know you’re in our prayers and we’re all as near as your keyboard.

    This morning on one of the writers forums I follow, a man somewhere in the NE area was talking about visiting the warmer climes of Southern California via the Phoebe cam.

    Everybody sing!



  4. Oh Melodye, what a hard, hard trip to have to make but I am so glad that you are there for them.

    72 years of marriage is so astounding that I am simply cheering at the love that has held them together and hope there are threads of that, still near the surface, for them to hold on to too.

  5. I’m all weepy thinking about you and your brave heart off to help two whose hearts are breaking with their love for one another.

    Sending all good (warm) thoughts to you on your journey…

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