• Thanks, Tracy. Patience isn’t always my strong suit, and therein lies a paradox. Nancy Drew that I am, I like to explore several possibilities before reaching a conclusion (if such a thing exists). And as we all know, sleuthing is a time-consuming process… 🙂

  1. I agree, and I appreciate your validation of my process. 🙂

    It’s far easier, I suppose, to skim the surface of a story, but I’ve always been intrigued by “what ifs.” Therein lie some of Life’s grandest adventures!

    And, I hope, a far richer story.

  2. Wouldn’t it be fun to explore these ideas together?? If I were to someday lead/attended a memoir workshop, I’d place these questions (and a handful of others) front and center.

  3. When I taught memoir this summer, I found myself asking questions too, about my own book (still stalled). The questions don’t yield answers but more questions. And sometimes there are no answers. Keep going, almost there!

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