Remember the pearl-clutching that came of my first blog about Sparkly Purple Jesus?
If so, you no doubt recall that I was sorely tempted to buy the entire entourage. Sadly, there was not enough room at the inn; but yes, oh yes, the Prince of Light came home with me.
I heard your gasps of consternation amazement. I saw you whisper behind your hands, Why on earth did she plunk down good money for that uber-tacky coin bank?
See also: A bit more merry in my Christmas, a lot more sparkle in these winter-darkened halls. I’m all about the ho-ho-ho in happy holidays, aren’t you?
So imagine my dismay when, after unwrapping my holiday decorations last weekend, I realized SPJ was missing!
I crumpled the tissue paper, turned the boxes upside down.
Nope, Sparkly Purple Jesus hadn’t been Left Behind.
I ripped apart my office desk and came up empty. In the storage closet? Nope.
Not under my bed, and not in the nightstand.
But then, I saw a flash of purple. I heard the heavenly choirs sing. Because…behold! Entombed in the wafer-thin space between my dresser and the wall, Sparkly Jesus was staring back at me!
I breathed a sigh of relief, brushed away the dust bunnies, and then placed him on the mantel, where he now presides over the decorated Christmas tree, in all his resurrected glory.
On this Thankful Thursday (every day) I’m glad for all things glittery–and for sensibilities that bend equally toward the sacred and downright silly. I’m grateful, too, for lightness of being, the gift-bearing guest that arrives unexpectedly, warms our hearts and brightens our hearths. What more could we wish for, really, on these darkest nights of winter?
Are they candles?! They ought to be candles. With fragrance! Jesus ought to be patchouli and Mary, of course, should be rose.
They’re coin banks! (From the original post: Hail Mary, she has a coin slot. Jesus saves ($$), too. )
I think you’re on to something, though…. 😉
I love the odd juxtaposition of proper and improper too. That’s why I adore you! Some things are just better glittery 😉
Exactly this!
Also: I now want a sparkly purple Nativity set. Patoot would go bonkers for it.
She’d acknowledge the wonderment of it all, I feel certain, and I’d love to watch her eyes widen when she caught her first glimpse of SPJ.
May we always see the world (and sparkly purple Nativity sets) through the eyes of a child…
Some things are just better glittery
So true. Here’s hoping we never lose sight of that.
I missed this the first time around. Wow. Tacky Extravaganza!
And something about that green penguin REALLY cracks me up.
Lol, it’s a SparklePaloosa!
Wouldn’t it be fun to see what happens if you placed a sparkly green penguin by your finches’ feeder?
Something tells me the finches would go right on gorging themselves under the penguin’s watchful eyes.
I wish I knew how to include a pic in the comments but here is a link you might enjoy. Scroll down and you’ll find a penguin, too!
Wow, that is one dazzling display! Well, I can see why you took SPJ home–he’s so sparkly, it’s hard to take my eyes off him! And I think the penguin klatsch is gossiping about the black deer with the white pearls, don’t you?!
Bedazzling, aren’t they? I’m not sure I’d want the whole set, but my eyes locked on SPJ, too.
Oh, and I absolutely agree–the three wise penguins have LOTS to say about the bejeweled doe behind them.
I’m all for humor and light. I bet Jesus would get a kick out of SPJ. 🙂 Love the glitter penguins, too!
He’d probably lol–Jesus is all about lightness of being, I think. 🙂
I love SPJ. I’d TOTALLY buy one.
He’d fit in nicely with your fancy doll collection.
Ha! I missed this post last year.
I wonder, is this why Borders went out of business? 😉
Ha! An intriguing thought…I’m not a conspiracy theorist, however. SPJ isn’t the vengeful sort, and I don’t imagine his detractors are, either. 🙂
I would love to have one. It makes Jesús happier to see. In all the images all is serious and sad. But Jesús is also love and happiness.
Amen, Anabel!! 🙂
Sweet Sparkly Jesus on a Flamingo
I think I prefer SPF (“Sparkly Pink Flamingo”), just to the right of our injection-molded Lord and Savior.
Actually, I think a killer combination would be SPJ together with SPF — maybe SPF in a striding pose with SPJ riding on his feathered back.
Does SPJ — like most of the “sparkly” things of this type which I have encountered — tend to shed the little sparkles over time, like some kind of holy fairy dust? Or are his sparkles more robustly adhered? — PL
Re: Sweet Sparkly Jesus on a Flamingo
This comment gave me as much joy as the original sparkle-filled photo.
Re: Sweet Sparkly Jesus on a Flamingo
I know, right? It’s 100% awesome.
Re: Sweet Sparkly Jesus on a Flamingo
Drat! Now I wish I had SPF–they’re meant to be a pair, it’s obvious now.
So far, SPJ hasn’t lost his luster–not even during the time he spent in the narrows–so I’m inclined to think he’s going to be shiny forever and ever, amen.
I hope you are using that photo as your Christmas card. I remember it from last year, and it is just as good the second time around. Maybe even better. In fact, I request that you repost it every year.
I really wish I could meet the person whose brainchild this display was. Purple suede reindeer! Glittery penguins! A FLAMINGO! Each a showpiece unto itself, but collected all together with Flaming Fuchsia Mary and Sparkly Purple Jesus, it is the most amazing display ever. It becomes more amazing with every viewing. What is this designer’s mind LIKE, I wonder? I am fascinated!
(I feel obligated to add that as a Christian myself, I mean no disrespect or irreverence–quite the opposite. It’s like–something that could have been just tasteless went right through the other side into the utter joyful lightheartedness that this season should be about.)
Request granted!! (Any excuse to bring SPJ to the forefront again…)
Confession time: When I first set eyes on SPJ, he was upside down and topsy-turvy, half-buried in a bin of holiday merchandise. A few sparkly pieces were perched atop a display shelf, but their true beauty got lost in the randomness of it all. So anyway, long story short: I took it upon myself to create the nativity scene you see depicted here.
And as with you, I get all glowy inside whenever I think of the joy–the lightheartedness & lightness of being–that SPJ brings to our LJ community during the holidays. =:)
Thanks for clarifying that, Melodye. But… now I have to ask: Was it also you who put the string of white pearls around the neck of the DRotA (“Dark Reindeer of the Apocalypse”)? I only just now noticed it, slinking in there between FFM (“Flaming Fuchsia Mary”) and SPF (“Sparkly Purple Flamingo”). Spooky.
Re: DRotA
The DRotA is ninja! She showed up on the scene unannounced–a fancy-prancy scene-stealer, she.
As to your question: No figures were altered in the making of this scene. I just spotlighted their magnificence via staging.
You are a genius!
All credit belongs to their creator. I just performed a minor bit of stagecraft. 🙂
I want to pet the velvety looking purple reindeer with the sparkly antlers.
I know, right?!? I’ll bet she’d love knowing that you want to fawn over her. 🙂
Re: Light-Up Sparkly Purple Jesus…?
LOL, how much do I love the constant whirring of your creative, engineerish mind? There is, in fact, a rubbery plug beneath His beglittered sandals. I’m tempted….
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