1) I’m feeling especially accomplished today, because at long last (cue the tambourines and sound the trumpets!), I’ve tamed the stacks o’ clutter that nearly swallowed my office whole. I’d insert an After shot, but in my zeal, I somehow managed to disconnect the camera’s charging base from the computer. Maybe after my tech-savvy husband reconnects it? I’m also excited to showing you what I did with my vintage window frame, and to post the Big Reveal of my antique church bulletin display box.
2) James Harriot once wrote, "There’s no better judge of comfort than a cat." ‘Tis true, as this picture attests. Toby is actively inquisitive, but he’s especially adept at sprawling. He’s made himself at home in every nook and cranny of our house, and for all the joy and and coziness he’s added, I am grateful.

3) I’m thankful also for the beautiful orioles at our backyard feeder. Did you know they’re attracted to nectar, grape jelly, and the color orange? I didn’t, but I managed to lure them into our backyard with a tangerine-colored feeder topped with jelly trays. (Thanks, Wild Birds Unlimited, for selling me on the idea dispensing such wonderful advice!) I deeply regret that this photograph doesn’t do the oriole’s plumage justice–in reality, it’s brilliant yellow and glossy black (like this). I’m still learning how to operate the SLR camera in different light conditions, so let’s just appreciate his silhouette, shall we? 

4) But I’m especially thrilled that one of my sisters is coming down from Portland for a brief vacation, and she’s bringing one of her daughters with her. It’s been just over a year since we last saw her –too long! — and while I don’t want to wish the day away, I can’t wait for their plane to arrive this evening.