The Principle Witness
As I delve deeper into my memoir (moving ever closer to the end), I sometimes waver in my thoughts about what it means to be a reliable witness. For example:
*How trustworthy are our physical sensations? What do they reveal, and what do they hide?
*How much confidence should we place in our own perceptions, given that there are many sides to the same story?
*Do our perceptions bend toward a foregone conclusion, and how do they shape us, if so?
These contemplations aren't mere navel-gazing, I assure you. They speak to a much deeper quest–one that I'm traveling while writing WITNESS. They're leading me to the questions behind the questions, and are helping me find answers beyond the obvious–a la Nancy Drew, but on a much deeper level. More so (and somewhat paradoxically), this recursive line of questioning is teaching me how to move forward with steadfastness and serenity, grounded in the awareness that I'm traveling the right path.
Earth Witness Mudra via