Hope’s Hatchlings: Part One
2/24 It’s hardly recognizable as a baby hummingbird, but ta da! The first hatchling made his grand appearance today. (The second hummingbird pecked his shell open that same afternoon.)
Within just a couple of days, Hope’s baby hummingbirds have almost doubled in size. Their beaks are slightly darker (barely visible at the 4:00 and 8:00 positions), and they’re growing fuzzy little pinfeathers. At this stage, they’re very much a work in progress…
Day 3. Hope braces herself on the edge of the nest—it’s a windy afternoon, but her hatchlings are hungry!
Hope’s hummingbird hatchlings are 4 days old! She feeds them a slurry of nectar & insects about every 20 minutes. In this blustery rainstorm, however, she’s hunkered down on the nest more than usual. (I set up my camera shots when Hope’s away from the nest, gathering food. And because I try to hurry, the pictures aren’t always–well, picture perfect.)
Day 6. The nest is soaked clear through, but Hope and her brood weathered a violent storm that rolled in overnight. Heavy rains and hail. Thunder, lightning, and howling winds. I fretted for hours on end, hoping against long odds that they’d make it. And…as you can see here, they did! No worse for the wear, it seems, other than the fact that they’re a bit wet. And quite obviously, very hungry.
Want to know what happens next? Follow these links: Hope’s Hatchlings, Part Two and Hope’s Hatchlings, Part Three (and a naming contest).