Thankful Thursday: Letters and lessons
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear.
1 John 4:18
Not long ago, I received an email about CAN I GET A WITNESS, written by someone I interviewed a while back. The message was slathered in honey…on its surface, sweetness and light. But in the middle, I discovered a nasty surprise. Darkness. Veiled threats, poisonous innuendos…seeds of fear were scattered there.
Here, I confess that this is one of the reasons it’s taken me so long to write this memoir. I am deeply aware that there are (groups of) individuals who prefer certain things not be brought to light. They inspect every "jot and tittle," in search of errors, measure each word against their faith. Perhaps this clouds their perceptions of me and my project? Clearly so, from the tone of that letter.
Lord knows, I’m only human. And as such, I make mistakes. Who am I, then, to pass judgment on anyone else? Or vice versa?
While CAN I GET A WITNESS touches on evangelical beliefs and practices, by no means do I intend it as a treatise on religion. Or a parable. I’m writing about my own experiences; draw from them what you will.
I’ve said as much before–and often. But I’ll say it again this morning, for the person who sent that email, and for others of his ilk: I will listen respectfully when you express your opinions. In return, I’ll speak with integrity…and from a place of love. But know this: You hold no sway over my writing. And you hold no power over me. Not now. Never again.
Free at last, free at last! Thank God almighty, I’m free at last.