1. You did it. I’ve been thinking of you and your siblings, wondering if you’d take that trip soon. It sounds as if you all came full circle, both physically and emotionally. I’m so glad they could do that with you and that you could share stories and speak your piece.

    Wow. That SUV must’ve been filled to the brim with emotions and memories.

    Your husband is definitely a keeper. I got a great image of him perched on the delicate furniture, pouring tea. What a guy.

  2. It really all is a journey, isn’t it.

    A memoir writer who has been looking back finds a rear-view mirror.. interesting.

    Keeping you in my thoughts.

    • Yes, it is! And whoa, finding that mirror seemed so…poetic. I had to take a picture to prove that it really happened.

      I feel your thoughts and I’m grateful for them–and you.

  3. Wow. Beautiful post. You find symbolism in everything–love the rear-view mirror and this:

    And after his ashes were scattered and each of us had said our piece, I climbed into the driver’s seat drove us safely home.

    You were in control and you drove safely home.

    Consider adding this post as an epilogue to CAN I GET A WITNESS. It’s perfect.

    • Perfect icon, B. πŸ™‚

      Ha! My secret’s out (as if I could hide it…): I do tend to find symbolism in everything. Maybe that’s because I was raised on metaphors and parables from the Bible?

      And as for the epilogue…hmmm, what an intriguing thought! I had thought about the metaphor of my being in the driver’s seat (are you surprised?), but I can see how using this adventure as an epilogue would tie things up really well. Thanks so much–I’m definitely considering it!

  4. Oh, what a beautiful post. I’m so glad you could take this healing trip with your siblings, Melodye. And how perfect to find the side view mirror where many a time you watched your life disappearing whether or not you wanted it…and now you can look back from a place of serenity and love and know that you’ve found your home, both within and without. (And with such a wonderful tea-pouring husband!)

    hugs and love xo

    • It was a beautiful, love-filled weekend, Lorraine, and I know that you understand all that it meant for me and for my siblings.

      Finding that side-view-mirror was shivery-magic. I couldn’t believe my eyes at first, but then…well, I believe in signs and miracles, even if I’m not always sure of the source.

      *hugs and love–lots of both*

    • It was an incredible weekend, full of love and healing and rich metaphors. And while I saw the significance of being in the driver’s seat (and the side-view mirror, whoa), I hadn’t thought of including this experience in an epilogue. Thanks for giving me your thoughts on that. I’m definitely considering it!!

    • Happy Belated Valentine’s Day to you, too!

      You’re close enough to have tea at the Victorian Manor sometime. If not there, I’m sure there are teahouses near you. I highly recommend having High Tea once in a while. You’ll feel so pampered, which you deserve. πŸ™‚

      And yes, it did seem a fitting end to that chapter of my life.

    • Thanks, Kelly. I’m glad that they wanted to share this experience, and I appreciate being able to tell the story to you afterward.

      I think gnomes might have placed that side view mirror in my path. πŸ™‚

  5. I love that, after scattering your fathers ashes among the Joshua trees and tumbleweeds, you found that mirror. What a perfect ending to a day of looking backwards. It sounds as if it was a wonderfully healing trip for all of you.

    And yes, your husband id definitely a “keeper”!!

    • Isn’t it magical? I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw first it. But *of course* something as metaphorically significant as that would present itself. It always happens that way when your heart and mind are open to possibilities, doesn’t it?

      I’m incredibly fortunate to be loved by someone as amazing as my husband.

      PS I love your new icon. Gorgeous!

  6. Wow. Your post gave me chills. I love the circles of life. It’s funny how we always try to find signs to help us get through life but that they only come to us when we least expect them (and probably need them most).

    And I HEART your husband. What a guy! A big pinkie *up* to him πŸ˜‰

    • I believe you’re right that signs and wonders come our way when we most need them. But we have to have open hearts and eyes, so that we can notice (and appreciate) them. Magic and/or miracle…that sideview mirror was an incredibly meaningful symbol for me.

      And hahaha on the upturned pinkie for my hubby! So. Perfect. πŸ™‚

    • It *was* a full-circle moment. You are such a sensitive soul, Susan, to have seen that…

      We all need (and deserve) lots of love. I am grateful–very much so–to be surrounded by such abundance. xoxo

  7. Sounds like a wonderful time, Melodye. I’m so glad that you were able to find some peace and healing out there. And the mirror most definitely seems like an apt metaphor.

    Peace and healing to you, my friend.

    By the by… your husband sounds like a great guy! Hang on to him!

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