1. Ooh, son is going to be in fourth grade this year meaning many trips to the mission. I’ll have to check out the ‘hidden’ treasures!

  2. I love this post. It made the following words pop into my mind:

    “Not all that is buried is lost.”

    Which, upon some research, isn’t actually a real quote. I think I was re-tooling the Tolkein quote, “Not all who wander are lost” to fit the story! 😉

  3. The sacred finds its way through many hands and lenses.

    I love visiting the Mission. Did you notice the ovals worn in the stones outside the kitchen area?

    • “The sacred finds its way through many hands and lenses.”

      Oh, I love the way you phrased that! I feel so inadequate in expressing my contemplatations about these sacred gifts.

      I did notice the grinding stones, where for thousands of years, indigenous peoples turned grains into daily sustainance. I snapped this photograph, which by no means does that spot justice:

  4. Melodye, this is lovely. You are the queen of seeing greatness in the small and putting things back together. Those walls are such a good reminder of how something may be quiet but it still and forever speaks.

    • “…something may be quiet but it still and forever speaks.”

      This is exquisite. Once again, you’ve stated so eloquently what I struggled mightily (and ha! at great length!) to say.

    • Thank you so much! I’m glad it resonated with you.

      I love that we have a forum in which to share our aha moments. Still, I sometimes worry that I’m being all, “Blah blah blah,” and that my blog visitors are going, “Zzzzzz, next!” 🙂

  5. Very well put. It’s important to take our cameras up close, get down on our knees and really look. This is what little kids do–they really observe. We have the grownup advantage of adding perspective.

    • Yes, this.

      I hope I never lose my wide-eyed sense of wonder. And I love that you are also observant, and that you enjoy sharing your perspectives, as well. 🙂

  6. I hadn’t even thought about the complications that the native-invader element adds to the whole scene as I looked at the photos, so reading your words (and your friend’s words) added a whole new layer of meaning and complication.

    When I saw the photos, my first thoughts were of the existence of the sea in the desert. The marvels of geological memory–how the stones must remember water. But thinking about humans, and one group establishing their religion on top of another, and the other managing to retain elements of their original faith… that makes me think about how water (and ideas) well up, and about how things can be present even if they don’t seem to be.

    The photos are beautiful, too, I have to add 🙂

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