Thankful Thursday: Sparkly Purple Jesus

Remember the pearl-clutching that came of my first blog about Sparkly Purple Jesus?
If so, you no doubt recall that I was sorely tempted to buy the entire entourage. Sadly, there was not enough room at the inn; but yes, oh yes, the Prince of Light came home with me.
I heard your gasps of consternation amazement. I saw you whisper behind your hands, Why on earth did she plunk down good money for that uber-tacky coin bank?
See also: A bit more merry in my Christmas, a lot more sparkle in these winter-darkened halls. I’m all about the ho-ho-ho in happy holidays, aren’t you?
So imagine my dismay when, after unwrapping my holiday decorations last weekend, I realized SPJ was missing!
I crumpled the tissue paper, turned the boxes upside down.
Nope, Sparkly Purple Jesus hadn’t been Left Behind.
I ripped apart my office desk and came up empty. In the storage closet? Nope.
Not under my bed, and not in the nightstand.
But then, I saw a flash of purple. I heard the heavenly choirs sing. Because…behold! Entombed in the wafer-thin space between my dresser and the wall, Sparkly Jesus was staring back at me!
I breathed a sigh of relief, brushed away the dust bunnies, and then placed him on the mantel, where he now presides over the decorated Christmas tree, in all his resurrected glory.
On this Thankful Thursday (every day) I’m glad for all things glittery–and for sensibilities that bend equally toward the sacred and downright silly. I’m grateful, too, for lightness of being, the gift-bearing guest that arrives unexpectedly, warms our hearts and brightens our hearths. What more could we wish for, really, on these darkest nights of winter?