1. Wow, this sounds like fun! Sign me up! I probably can’t start till December though due to soccer commitments. But I’d love to be a part of this. If anything, to support an Indie store and other writers!

    • Thanks, Lorraine! There are so many wonderful authors (and readers) in this area…it’ll be wonderful to corral their energy & enthusiasm into one place, if only for a single morning each month. Sure wish you could join us!

  2. So Cal is so far =(

    Wish we live closer.
    That’s an awesome idea you’ve organized & it will be a blast!

    Is it writers of all genres? including childrens genres? Maybe you could contact the local SCBWI chapter and have them post it on their website.

    • I wish you could participate, too! Wouldn’t *that* be fun? For sure, we’ll keep you in the loop, if only online. Photos…we’ll need photos, don’t you think? 🙂

  3. Yay! Thanks so much, Melodye, for including me in this exciting endeavor. I’m thrilled to be participating in this event on December 5th. Cookies, pajamas, ‘Twas the Day Before Zoo Day—can’t wait to snuggle in and plan some giggling fun for this special day. I also can’t wait to see Marlene Perez’s event on Halloween. Perfect timing to see such a talented author talk about her DEAD series.

    Hope everyone in the OC will come out and say hello!

  4. Yay! Thanks so much, Melodye, for including me in this exciting endeavor. I’m thrilled to be participating in this event on December 5th. Cookies, pajamas, ‘Twas the Day Before Zoo Day—can’t wait to snuggle in and plan some giggling fun for this special day. I also can’t wait to see Marlene Perez’s event on Halloween. Perfect timing to see such a talented author talk about her DEAD series.

    Hope everyone in the OC will come out and say hello!

  5. What a terrific idea, Melodye!! I’d love to be a part of this and help support your efforts in any way that I can, so please keep me in the loop.

    When I read this, my first thought was… Ah, Maynard G Krebs lives! People tried to have a true 60’s coffee house in the old Baba-a- Louis bakery located in Perkinsville, but sadly it failed. It probably would have survived if it had been in Ludlow or Killington.

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