It’s too soon to pop the champagne cork. And the fireworks won’t start for several hours. Still, there’s no time like the present to start ushering in the New Year, so…let’s set the stage for 2011 with an encore performance of Magic 8-Ball predictions!
Wondering what 2011 holds in store for you? Ask the Magic 8-Ball! No need for "psychic hotlines" or mass-produced fortune cookies…when you consult the black Orb o’ Answers, you’ll receive a personalized prediction.
The rules are simple:
- DO address the Magic 8-Ball with all due respect ("Oh Magic 8-Ball…" or something similar).
- DO submit Yes/No questions.
- DO concentrate as you click on the "post comment" button.
- DO ask as many questions as you’d like, but enter them as separate comments.
- DON’T be deterred if the Magic 8-Ball tells you to ASK AGAIN LATER.
- DON’T take the Magic 8-Ball too seriously, but please accept my sincere wishes for the happiest New Year ever!
While you’re waiting for the Magic 8-Ball’s 2011 predictions, take a quick glance in the rear view mirror. What did you ask the Magic 8-Ball on New Year’s Eve 2009, and how accurate were its answers?
Oh Magic 8-ball, will 2011 be as awesome as 2010?
And Melodye, maybe I can ask you something, too – what was that site that inspired you (and then me) to choose a word for 2010? And 2009? I want to do it again, but need inspiration! Because JOY worked out perfectly for me! And in 2009, it turned out I had to live on HOPE alone, so I need to be careful with what I choose.
I agree–it’s really important to choose your one-word mantra wisely! Hmmm, I don’t know that I can point you toward a specific site, but if I find one, I’ll come back with a link. Meantime, maybe our LJ friends could share their Words with us, by way of inspiration? I’ll start by linking my 1 January 2010 entry on the topic (which links back to 2009, and so forth).
Maria ~ This is more general than prescriptive, but it might help you discover your own special word:
Thank you!
But that Magic 8-ball prediction sounds ominous!
It doesn’t sound ominous to me at all. In fact, I think it’s inviting you to look inside, to bring into bloom what you already know to be true.
I don’t know if this is what you were thinking of, but Christine Kane has written a lot on her blog about choosing a word for the year: http://christinekane.com/blog/
Oh, very cool resource! Thanks for the link.
The Word for 2011
is Peace. And I share it, gladly.
Re: The Word for 2011
(LOL, that’s Toby’s contribution you see above.)
Thanks for sharing your one-word mantra with us. I’m grateful for all the ways you demonstrate it–and the generous spirit in which you share it.
Re: The Word for 2011
That looks like pi x 2. Toby’s a geek!kitty.
Oh, Magic 8-Ball, is this the year when the walls come down?
Re: The Word for 2011
Magic 8-Ball says: ASK ME LATER.
Melodye says: I’m willing to predict, here and now, that those walls will come a-tumblin’ down.
Thank you once again for giving us your time (and the Magic 8-Ball’s time) my friend. Last year’s prediction regarding whether or not my mother would find a good job came very true. š
Looking forward to getting to sit down to lunch with you again soon!!!
Okay… Oh Powerful and Knowing Magic 8-Ball… will this be the year I finally get something written and published as I’ve been meaning to do for so long? š
Oh yay! I’m always happy to hear good news, and that’s a very happy development, indeed!
Magic 8-Ball says: AS I SEE IT YES.
Melodye says: I agree with M8B’s point of view. And I’m really looking forward to catching up with you over lunch. Let’s make it *soon*.
I hope M8B is right!!!! *fingers crossed*
Yes, let’s make it very soon!
Oh Magic 8-Ball, will I finally clean my house in 2011?
Magic 8-Ball says: YES DEFINITELY.
Melodye says: Cleanliness is next to godliness, or so I’ve told. Here’s to reaching that heavenly threshold in the new year. =:)
Oh mighty eight ball of wisdom – you were wrong about last year, but alas, I have not abandoned all hope. Will I get my groove back in 2011?
Magic 8-Ball says: AS I SEE IT YES.
Melodye says: Look out world, here she comes! š
Oh, Magic 8-Ball am I going to finish the translation-revision of my book in 2011?
I have tot hink of a word for the year still.
Happy new year!
Melodye says: I don’t know how to translate that, but I’m wishing you the happiest of New Years!
I am concentrating now: O please magic 8 ball am I going to finish the translation-revision of my book in 2011?
Thanks, I hope you have a wonderful new year ( feliz aƱo nuevo!)
Magic 8-Ball says: SIGNS POINT TO YES.
Melodye says: Yay! The Magic 8-Ball rewarded your concentration. Sounds like 2011 is going to be a very exciting year for you! š
Feliz AƱo Nuevo!
Dear Insightful 8-Ball, will I find my true advocate in 2011?
Magic 8-Ball says: OUTLOOK GOOD.
Melodye says: You’d have to be Mr. Magoo to see things otherwise.
I love “outlook good”! Thank you, Wonderful 8-Ball. And thank you, Melodye, for always having my back.
Wishing you a most glorious coming year filled with love, laughter, and hummingbirds.
Thank you, Tracy, for these wonderful New Year’s wishes. And for the countless days in 2010 that you were there for me, that you believed in me…THANK YOU!
Oh…powerful and magic 8-Ball… does Mr. Tall, Dark and North Face really exist for me?
Magic 8-Ball says: YOU MAY RELY ON IT.
Melodye Says: Ooooh, sounds like there’s an exciting relationship in your future! Or maybe it’s someone you already know… š
PS So glad to see you hear again! Why, though, does your user name have a strike-through?
Oh, Magic 8-Ball, will 2011 bring me great tidings of comfort and joy?
Magic 8-Ball says: YOU MAY RELY ON IT.
Melodye says: Does Susan Miller agree with that? I sure hope so! š
Oh wise and wondrous Magic 8-Ball, I beseech you to be kinder to me than you were last year to answer my question with gentle wisdomDon’t make me go back to the Oracle at Delphi,
Will that certain matter, you know the one, unfold successfully this year?
Magic 8-Ball says; MOST DECIDEDLY SO.
Melodye says: I believe in the M8B, and more than that, I believe in you. Happy New Year, Barb!
Happy New Year, Melodye! (Thanks, M8B!)
I am late, O wondrous 8-ball, and have not been as respectful as necessary. Nonetheless, will you deign to answer…
…are my heart-held 2011 ambitions are realistic?
Are my heart-held 2011 ambitions realistic? Sheesh!
No worries…
…the Magic 9-Ball is forever at your beck and call. Especially since you’re appropriately reverential. ;D
Magic 8-Ball says: YES.
Melodye says: Well now–you can’t get more definitive than that! š
Happy New Year!!!
Re: No worries…
Hooray!!!!! Double hooray, especially since I’d say that last year’s predictions were dead-on.
Happy New Year to you, Melodye. I’m really touched by your continued showing-up process and your well-chosen, heartfelt words. I hope you get to witness your own amazingness this year!
Re: No worries…
(((Thank you!)))
I’ve really enjoyed some of Anne Lamott’s essays; she’s someone I often think about, when I think about writing (and also when I think about faith and complicated relations to faith). What’s her twitter handle?
Lucky you!