Just a few more days of summer, and then…whoa, are we really headed into September??
I'm not one who likes to turn the calendar page prematurely, so how 'bout I post a photo retrospective of my weekend trip to Oregon? (See also: things I did on my summer vacation.)
amp; me, perched on child-sized chairs, sharing a giant cuppa tea at Tazza's in Beaverton. I could have lingered with her for days and days….
Here, one of the many houses in which I lived…one of several in the Portland area alone.
A happy reunion with Roi San, who was a source of light for me in high school. I consider her a kindred spirit to Luz, whom I wrote about in DEAR BULLY.
Haystack Rock, in beautiful Cannon Beach. (See the pint-sized Scottish Terrier–a small black dot at the water's edge? I loved that he wagged his tail at every incoming wave.)
I spent a sunny afternoon in a Portland-area park. My sisters and I swapped childhood memories–some savory, some sweet–over a delicious picnic lunch. Left to right: Mei-Ling, me, and Sheryll.
A bedside visit with my sister Heidi. Brave girl, she's held MS at bay for many, many years. She has very little mobility, and no sensation in her fingers, but boy howdy, that girl can paint!
The outdoor venue for my niece's wedding. I may be biased, but I think my escort's kinda cute (meet my son David, if you haven't already.) It's a bit hard to see–and perhaps harder to believe–but I'm wearing a befeathered fascinator in my hair.
Action Slacks performed live in Oregon City, as part of their Concert in the Park series. I'm one of their ultimate fan girls, and not just 'cause David's at the keyboard. (Lovin' those retro outfits? You can purchase one of your very own from Loudmouth Golf (Action Slacks' corporate sponsors).
After a leisurely stroll through Portland's Saturday Market, we cooled our heels a Bijou Cafe. Pictured here: Steven, my oldest son, and Tzipporah (his wife).
Now that I'm back, I'm looking forward to catching up with all the latest at your end! xoxo
Lovely pictures! Thanks so much for sharing with us.
Thank *you* for allowing me to share ’em! xo
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share these snapshots of my life. xo
I’m Smiling…
…and you know why.
Re: I’m Smiling…
I’m smiling, too. 🙂
Joy is written all over this photo album.
What a wonderful summer retrospective! Loved all the pictures, especially of Haystack Rock. Beach pictures get me every time. Also? BRAVA for wearing a fascinator! 🙂
I dearly love Haystack Rock! Lucky me, it was a gloriously sunny day when we visited (rare, by Oregon standards). A bit blustery, but just look at that gorgeous blue sky!
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful pictures. It’s always so fantastic to see so much love and happiness. 🙂
Thanks for sharing all of the love and happiness with us!!!
Love & happiness are magical, in that they grow exponentially, the more that they’re shared. So…thanks for allowing me the opportunity to share. 🙂
I’m just glad that there are wonderful people like you that are willing to share!
Lovely pictures — thank you for sharing these pieces of your life 🙂
I love the snapshots you post, and appreciate the opportunity to share a few of my own. They’re not professional-quality by any means, but there’s a lot of love written into each and every frame. 🙂
LOVE your post and pictures! You are beautiful!!! And your sons so handsome.
You are sweet! Thanks for allowing me the bandwidth in which to share… 🙂
There is so much joy and beauty in all these photos, Melodye. You shine and the people you’re with shine right along with you. What a wonderful collection of memories.
Thank you, Tracy. I know you understand the significance of these photos. I’ve not seen some of these people for a very long while, but oh, so many happy memories came of these visits…
Missed you here, but you sure do a humdinger of a catch up. Wow and wow and wow. Thanks for the giving us a peek into all these exercises of your lovely heart.
((Jeannine)) Thank you for peeking into the window, eyes and heart open to the memories I’ve posted.
It was a very full summer, Jeni. I feel as if I’ve packed several lifetimes into a handful of months. Hope yours was equally enjoyable. Got plans for the holiday weekend???