Nesting instincts

I wrote a column for SisterDivas magazine yesterday–a contemplative piece about the baby hummingbirds that graced my backyard garden a year ago.

Those beautiful little birds came to symbolize the seasons of joy and loss that followed. One of my sons fell in love, and the other one flew off to new adventures. I said final goodbyes to both my parents.

Last spring, my backyard was a safe haven for Mama Hummingbird and her tiny family. And now that the citrus trees have bloomed again, I find myself scanning the skies for their return. Tiny forms play tag in the sunshine—could one of them be her? And is that her fledgling’s silhouette I see in the silvery twilight?  

I’m also wondering what happened to the LJ friends who flocked around their computers, oohing and aahing over the tiny nest and hatchlings. The comments have fallen off on my entries, and I’m seeing far fewer posts by other people. Unless I’m mistaken, this is a common observation among bloggers overall. 

I’m always happy to see you–at your place or mine. But have some of our friends abandoned this virtual community, I wonder? And if so, where have they gone? I wish them safe and happy landings, but I can’t help feeling somewhat melancholy about this loss.