I love the Nancy Drew pic!
Have I told you that my nine year old son is reading all my (and my mom before me) old Nancy Drew books? We found him a complete set of the old Hardy Boys at the thrift store, but he likes the Nancy Drews better!
Man, I loved Nancy Drew when I was a kid. I thought she was so sophisticated and smart and brave and, well, stylish! I mean, look at that hair. She’s sneaking up on a suspect from behind a tree and STILL it looks perfect. 🙂
Go Nancy!
Vroom, vroom.
*dashes off in her roadster*
If it is what I think…
My warmest thoughts and the biggest hug that can fit into cyberspace, Melodye.
Thanks, Maria. You’re great with clues.
I love the Nancy Drew pic!
Have I told you that my nine year old son is reading all my (and my mom before me) old Nancy Drew books? We found him a complete set of the old Hardy Boys at the thrift store, but he likes the Nancy Drews better!
Seriously? I love hearing this!
I’ll bet there are Nancy Drew fan clubs out there. Not the greatest literary works, but they’re fun, aren’t they?
a mystery!
Sam Spade is wondering what Nancy is doing…
Re: a mystery!
Who’s burying a secret, and who’s digging up clues?
Man, I loved Nancy Drew when I was a kid. I thought she was so sophisticated and smart and brave and, well, stylish! I mean, look at that hair. She’s sneaking up on a suspect from behind a tree and STILL it looks perfect. 🙂
lol – I know, right!
So true. I’ll bet she used a whole can of Aqua Net every morning.
Brings back all sorts of good memories. (I think I actually helped her solve some of those mysteries.)
Happy Wednesday. 🙂
Happy Wednesday to you, too!
I read your post about book sales. You’re a super-sleuth! 🙂
How I love that data. 🙂
Hugs, Melodye. Hope all is well.
OMG — how funny that I immediately knew what this was 🙂 I’m sure I read this one…
Isn’t it a hoot?
The writing’s not fabulous, but Nancy Drew’s quite a character. 🙂
Read every single one multiple times. Still want a roadster and titian colored hair.
Ah…me, too!