Wombs with a View, reprise

I’m reposting this entry, just in case you overlooked it the first time but might be interested in seeing it tonight. (Click here for additional broadcast dates and times.)

Every once in a while, I discover an image so amazing, so beautiful that it moves me to tears. Then, of course, I want to play show-and-tell. So it is with this incredible,
first-time photograph of an elephant fetus floating in its mother’s womb. 

I”ve just been browsing through an awe-inspiring photo and video gallery of pre-birth baby animals on the National Geographic website.  Now, I can’t wait to see their two-hour special, Animals In The Womb, tonight! 

Set up your TiVo or snuggle up on the sofa to watch the program with your family this evening. Meantime, you can peruse intrauterine pictures and videos of a swimming dolphin, a panting puppy, and a burgeoning baby elephant here. 


  1. Thanks for the heads-up (technically a breech birth) , Melodye. We didn’t get home until 10 PM tonight so we have it on our MUST WATCH list. National Geographic Channel Monday night, 11 PM and midnight, as far as I can tell.

    Any eyewitness reviews?

    The kids were so upset we missed it tonight but.. that’s… showbiz baby. ;>

    -Pamela (would rather make this a sloe gin fizz week but…it will be anything BUT slow) {{{}}}

    -xoxoxox- to Melodye

    • Torn Between Two Lovers

      Oh croak. I read it wrong. I just went back to check on the National Geographic website. I misunderstood the air dates. We could have caught it at midnight here but I didn’t know it was on.. Shoot. It will next be shown this Thursday, 12/14 at 9 PM (and will be repeated later that night). The family will have to tape this show to watch “For Later” because Alexandra’s concert chorus sings, yup, Thursday night at appx 7 PM. As soon as I finish clapping for Love #1, I am racing to the lovely Tilles Centre on Long Island to listen to Love #2: Another Great Voice– Clay Aiken– sing in HIS concert. ;>


      p.s. My daughter’s friend joked around with me tonight and said to me: “That’s HOT.” I couldn’t help but immediately want to correct her and say… “No. That’s HAUTE!” {}

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