Out of the blue (probably because tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day), this Golden Oldie popped into my head:
I wonder wonder who, oouu who
Who wrote the book of love
Tell me, tell me, tell me
Oh who wrote the book of love
I’ve got to know the answer
Was it someone from above
I wonder wonder who, be-do-do who
Who wrote the book of love?
The first time I heard this song, I was sweltering in the crowded back seat of my family’s Bel Air, headed down an endless ribbon of highway to yet another Revival. Afraid to break the Eleventh Commandment (“Children should be seen and not heard!”), my much-older siblings whispered the words.
My father’s radar ears picked up the lyrics. He spoke into the rear view mirror.
“God’s the author of The Book of Love,” he said, emphasizing the definitive article.
I’m far less certain than my father, but definitely more kumbaya in my own answer. I say each of us is commissioned to write our own Book of Love, and that we’re co-authors of a multi-volume set. Some people pen poetry; others of us write prose. Some prefer private journaling, while others like writing for an audience. Regardless, our stories come from our hearts.
I wonder…All you book lovers out there, how would you answer this question?
The Monotones sing Who Wrote the Book of Love (via YouTube)
Well, I always hope to find a better “book of love” (or write one) but so far Jane Eyre is my favorite.
Who doesn’t love Jane Eyre?
Me. 🙂 *ducks*
That’s okay, we love you anyway.
Wanna pick another author and/or a different genre?
Well, if the Book of Love is a “Book I Love” & a “Book about Love,” I’ll pick Zusak’s I AM THE MESSENGER. It’s got both and it’s fantastic! He’s one of my favorites.
Good call! I need to read that.
Oh! I agree with YOU, Melodye! What a beautiful response to your question–I’m not surprised though… Your heart is full to overflowing with love! HUGS!!!!
How much do I love you, Kels?
Answer: with all my heart. xo
Aw, back at ya, babe! 😀
With you on everyone, including God, writing the book of love. Animals, too.
Amen to all of us being co-authors!
I would say that God is -still- writing the Book of Love; that He is allowing us to be his writing implements; and that you, dear Melodye, are a finely crafted pen from which His message flows most smoothly.
*Is humbled by your kind words*
I agree with you — we all write our own books of love, throughout our lives. God helps us turn the pages.
“God helps us turn the pages.”
Oh, I like that — a lot.
“I’m far less certain than my father, but definitely more kumbaya in my own answer.”
I LOVE this line. You, my friend, are a writer. 🙂
*snuggles into the warmth of those words*
Thank you, Tracy. Thank you.
The more I look, the less I find a who or an author. It’s an amazing mystery that we give form to through our writing and living. It seems to overflow from your pen, dear Melodye!
Your inner light shines through your words, too; I love reading your stories!
Oh man, total earworm… that song is now banging away in my head and I can’t make it stop. lol…
I think my father followed your father’s 11th Commandment. 🙂
Beautiful, beautiful words, Melodye. And I think I agree with you… we’re all writing our own books and our stories should come from the heart. And hopefully we’re all continually adding and revising our chapters. I think our Books of Love are continually growing and evolving as we do.
Wonderful post, Melodye. As always.
That supplemental commandment always got me into trouble!
I like the idea that we can add and revise. Thanks for pointing that out!
Are you still hearing the song in your head? Hey, let’s form a choir!
That supplemental commandment always got me into trouble!
LOL… I’m most sure it did. 😉
Oh man, that earworm was running around my head almost all day. lol…
Another wonderful post Melodye. I agree with you… we are all writing our own Books of Love and our stories should always come from the heart, unlike the advice I was given a while ago by my ex-mentor, which was to always write to the market. Sorry but I can’t do that! My writing needs to resonate with something deep inside me or else it’s just a bunch of meaningless words written down on a piece of paper.
Ah… the Eleventh Commandment! Yup, my father also believed in that one which is why I got into sooo much trouble as a child and made fast friends with the corner in the kitchen by the back door.
Aw, thank you, Sharon!
If we listen to our hearts, we can find our own truths, right? Regardless of what others have to say. And I’m so glad you’re listening to yours. Your voice, your vision will shine!
LOL about the kitchen corner. My nose was pressed into the recesses of several different corners in my life. Ergh.
Glad you’re feeling better! Kim B. Told us you were laid up for a bit. I’m sorry, and I really hope you won’t overdo it while you’re healing.
By the way, a package is coming your way…
Maybe it’ll encourage you to keep your feet up a little while longer?!?
Oh Melodye … that started the waterworks flowing! What can I say? I’m totally speechless at your generosity. You’re one of the sweetest people I know and I’m honored to count you as my friend!
XO I feel the same way about you. XO
By the way, Linda and Kate left you a follow-up message: