Last week was all about spending time with East Coast relatives, reflecting on my writing project, and energizing my spirit.
I fell in love all over again with the New England countryside. In many ways, it’s the antithesis of California: established neighborhoods, traditional architecture, lush foliage, ever-changing weather, fill in the blanks. Although I’m very much a California girl, I’d love to own a cottage in the area. Look at these flowers from our Sunday outing…can you see why I’m so smitten?
Last Tuesday, I mentioned that I’d put together some sample pages, bird by bird, ala Anne Lamont. But over the past several days, I’ve been plucking those birds down to their goose-pimply carcasses and rearranging their feathers. I don’t want to lose my forward momentum, but I believe getting this chapter right will help subsequent chapters take wing.
Page Six-ish sidetrip: The reclusive rich (think Henry Kissinger, Meryl Streep, Diane von Furstenburg, and Oscar de la Renta) have homes in rural western Connecticut, where my in-laws live. But as I’m learning, even this tranquil region has its share of scandalous intrigues. For example, a Manhattan-cum-Connecticut socialite reported a James-Bondish crime late last week. She told investigators that intruders bound her and her companion, pulled hoods over their heads, ransacked the house, and injected them with a mysterious blue liquid. An antidote would be provided, they told her, if she ponied up an $8 million ransom. The National Guard and the FBI were called to investigate the incident. Fortunately, no one died; however, no one’s been arrested. Yeah, I know, we Californians generate more than our share of bizarre stories; still, this East Coast tale’s, um, unusual, don’t you think?
More later…I need to unpack my clothes, and I’m eager to get back to my writing.
Um, maybe I’ll rethink my dream of relocating to north western CT.
LOL! Alternatively, carry around ransom cash, in bundles of $8 mil.
Um, maybe I’ll rethink my dream of relocating to north western CT.
lovely flowers!
Lovely! So beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
Re: lovely flowers!
You’re welcome, Kerry. I’m so glad you liked them.
Thanks for posting a picture of a jacaranda tree today. We’ve got some blooming in our neighborhood, but none as pretty as that picture.
I’m glad you’re back. And those birds are going to be really beautiful when you’re done with them!
What a lovely thought — thanks!
What a lovely thought — thanks!
I’m loving the bird metaphors. And Lamott’s book is quite great.
Oh, and I can’t make any promises, but I’m going to do my best to show up late to PFL this week. It’s still happening, right?
I’d love to see you at PFL on Thursday, same time and place. 🙂
I’d love to see you at PFL on Thursday, same time and place. 🙂
Thanks for the bouquet!
How lovely to log onto my LJ friends page and see your collection of New England flowers. Yes, it’s pretty in the Northeast this time of year, but don’t forget what we put up with in the winter to get here.
Good luck with your goals this week!
Re: Thanks for the bouquet!
I remember being there in early February — what a contrast! I’ve got a romantic notion of New England, because we mostly travel there in spring and fall.
Good luck with your goals, too. We’re in the home stretch. Maybe we should extend our project? I should ask…
Re: Thanks for the bouquet!
I remember being there in early February — what a contrast! I’ve got a romantic notion of New England, because we mostly travel there in spring and fall.
Good luck with your goals, too. We’re in the home stretch. Maybe we should extend our project? I should ask…
pretty pretty! Welcome back! (did I already post that?)
Thanks for the very nice welcome. It’s nice to be home, back among friends. 🙂
That was an interesting tale…hm. Beautiful flowers, but of course, we have lilacs, at least 😉
We saw lots of lilacs — white, purple, and pink. What an intoxicating fragrance, no?
And yes, that tale was, er, interesting.
That was an interesting tale…hm. Beautiful flowers, but of course, we have lilacs, at least 😉
Gorgeous flowers!
It sounds like a good trip, but I’m glad you’re home safe and sound. Those crazy northeasterners–you never know what they’ll do next! 😉
Thanks for the wonderful welcome home.
Yeah, crazy Northeasterners. Nothing like us sane SoCal people. 😉
Gorgeous flowers!
It sounds like a good trip, but I’m glad you’re home safe and sound. Those crazy northeasterners–you never know what they’ll do next! 😉
Oooh, and an adorable garden gnome to keep those flowers company!
oh wow! those are gorgeous!
left to right, top to bottom:
Iris, allium, columbine, poppy, lilac, tulip, clematis, columbine…I think the next is a petunia? and I don’t know what the last one is. lol…
You’re amazing…must love flowers as much as I do.
That neon blue flower isn’t a petunia. I’ll have to ask what it is, because I forgot. Those pink puffy things? I haven’t a clue.
maybe the blue one is a gloxinnia? (they are big, but related to petunias)
I finally got to ask my husband, who’s a walking encyclopedia of such things. The blue flower is gentian. He didn’t know the name of the pink one, though. Someone must have torn that page out of his book. 😉
aha! I’ve never seen one with big flowers like that! It is beautiful!
Beautiful flowers! I’ve never been there, but from the pictures I’ve seen, I would love, love, love to spend some time in that area. Especially around autumn. And you’re right, it is very much the antithesis of California. And that ain’t a bad thing.
Glad you got to spend some time with the family and that your spirits are energized again! Welcome back!
And who binds people up only to inject them with a blue liquid? That’s just bizarre. lol….
I have a feeling you’d really love New England.
Thanks for the warm welcome home. It’s good to be back — especially away from those dangerous blue liquid injectors. Um, weird?
I have a feeling you’d really love New England.
I’ve got a feeling that I would as well!!! The pictures I’ve seen are amazing. Absolutely amazing.
It’s good to be back — especially away from those dangerous blue liquid injectors. Um, weird?
LOL… very, very weird. Wouldn’t it just be easier to snatch the person and hold them for ransom? Or is that just a west-coast style? lol….
Beautiful flowers! I’ve never been there, but from the pictures I’ve seen, I would love, love, love to spend some time in that area. Especially around autumn. And you’re right, it is very much the antithesis of California. And that ain’t a bad thing.
Glad you got to spend some time with the family and that your spirits are energized again! Welcome back!
And who binds people up only to inject them with a blue liquid? That’s just bizarre. lol….
Imagine! outlaws and inlaws living side by side.
I L-O-V-E New England and can’t wait to visit you when you get your cottage there :]
Thanks for sharing the photos of the flowers. They are beyoootiful. I’m so glad you had time to reflect and energize your spirit.
LOL. YOu’re so clever! And yeah, I’d invite you over, for sure.
I’m glad you shared your flowers with me, too. They’re very spring-timey. 🙂
We can plant you a cottage garden, yay.
Imagine! outlaws and inlaws living side by side.
I L-O-V-E New England and can’t wait to visit you when you get your cottage there :]
Thanks for sharing the photos of the flowers. They are beyoootiful. I’m so glad you had time to reflect and energize your spirit.
Welcome back, Melodye! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip, and I LOVE those flowers!
Good luck with the writing! 🙂
Thanks for the warm welcome home. As always, I’m drawn to that beautiful blue butterfly — a great visual for a great friend. 🙂
Awww, thank you, Melodye! You’re too sweet!
And here’s that pretty butterfly again, just for you, my dear friend! 🙂
Glad you made it home safe and sound, and without any blue liquid flowing in your veins!
Thanks for sharing those gorgeous flowers. So lush.
Sending good thoughts your way as you wrestle with the pimply carcasses (great image there)!
Thanks for the warm thoughts…I definitely need them. I’ve got lots of bald patches where the feathers used to be…LOL.
Welcome home … gorgeous flower pics!
Thanks! It’s good to see you again. 🙂
Welcome back! And thanks for the beautiful pics.
Thanks for the warm welcome home. And the flowers — all yours. They’re a nice contrast for a hectic day, don’t you agree?
Oh! Nice revision metaphor: “I’ve been plucking those birds down to their goose-pimply carcasses and rearranging their feathers.”
Heh! Glad you liked ’em. Is that why Daffy’s running scared?
No, Daffy’s a nervous wreck b/c my ms is going to acquisitions this week.
I have been, and will continue, sending you and NY all good thoughts. xo
Thanks, friend.
All along I’ve had a feeling that Thursday is the day I’ll know.
Welcome back! And I love the flowers! I’ve always wanted to visit the East coast.
You will someday…you HAVE to! It’s so lovely and interesting and stimulating. 🙂
Those flowers are beautiful 🙂
Glad you like them, L. I hope they made you smile. 🙂
Yes, they did. Thank you 🙂
I’m with you…it’s a very odd story! But the flowers are beautiful…like your artwork. 🙂
I guess each region has its own beauty. That’s one reason vacations are so nice. I find everywhere I go that each place has its own share of strange happenings, too. Makes a good subject for books. heh heh
Exactly. I love SoCal for its year-round flowers, outdoor lifestyle, and sunny beaches. You’re right — that escapade would make for an interesting book!
Pretty! I do miss that part of the country.
I know what it’s like to be where your spirit is not. I hope you manage regular visits, at least.
Oh, my spirit is here, for sure. But there’s still nothing like the place where one was born.
And no, not really. Only for huge family events, like weddings and funerals. Ah well.