Today, I’m hopping off the Fast Draft Express and heading up to UCLA for the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. So many panels, activities, and authors to choose from – I’ll be in writer heaven! I snagged tickets for two sessions about writing memoir, plus a panel discussion called “Nonfiction: Humor and Attitude.” Much of the time, however, I’ve left open for open-stage readings and booth browsing.
Snark alert: I’m not the slightest bit interested in seeing Mitch Album interview Phil McGraw. Not that I’m enamored of Dr. I’ve-Had-My-Fill anyway, but surely I’m not the only one who took umbrage at this program note: Dr. Phil McGraw will only sign hard cover books following this session. When I read that, I rolled my eyes so hard I probably altered the Earth’s position on its axis.
Next posts, I’ll talk about the Festival, toot my horn about my Fast Draft progress, and try to find something positive to say about my purple bracelet experiment.
Oh! And one last thing: Anyone want to join me in a Summer Shape-up challenge in May? The overall goal would be to whip our Works In Progress into submission-ready shape.
I can’t wait to hear all about the festival. You always have such good tidbits to share. Try not to throw anything TOO heavy at Dr. Phil if you see him. Wait, would you have to change your bracelet if you did? I mean, you don’t have to SAY anything to him…
I went to a Dr. Phil taping a couple years ago with some writer friends. I wasn’t too impressed. He wasn’t friendly during the breaks.
I’d be interested in the Summer Shape-up challenge.
Great! I’m really glad. Here’s the details:
Great! I’m really glad. Here’s the details:
I went to a Dr. Phil taping a couple years ago with some writer friends. I wasn’t too impressed. He wasn’t friendly during the breaks.
I’d be interested in the Summer Shape-up challenge.
More on the Festival and the bracelet on Tuesday, after the FDE is over. ‘Til then, I’ve posted the Summer Shape-up overview… 🙂
More on the Festival and the bracelet on Tuesday, after the FDE is over. ‘Til then, I’ve posted the Summer Shape-up overview… 🙂
*still chuckling over “Dr. I’ve-Had-My-Fill. Tee-hee!*
It sounds like a wonderful day. Wish I could be there, too! Bring some tidbits back to share with the rest of us!
I definitely will do just that — after tomorrow, the last day of the Fast Draft Express. ‘Til then, I’ll be writing like a bullet train!
I definitely will do just that — after tomorrow, the last day of the Fast Draft Express. ‘Til then, I’ll be writing like a bullet train!
I definitely will do just that — after tomorrow, the last day of the Fast Draft Express. ‘Til then, I’ll be writing like a bullet train!
Have a great, great time! Summer Shape-up sounds good to me. Count me in
Great news! I’ve posted details here:
Great news! I’ve posted details here:
Have a great, great time! Summer Shape-up sounds good to me. Count me in
LOL on the eye-rolling. That does seem a tad grabby, doesn’t it?
Have a great time!
I definitely agree with your perspective.
I really wanted to join in the conversation on your last blog entry, but I decided I needed a crib sheet to keep up. You are so, so smart — and I want to learn. 🙂
No smart, just old and wrinkly! Join in whenever you want.
Well, la-di-da, Phil!!!! 😛
Exactly. 🙂
I would love to get my WIP into submission-ready shape. But I’m still several weeks away from finishing my first draft. (I have a huge hole with a missing subplot that I’m trying to fill in.)
So, I’ll have to decide if I’ll be in a place to participate when I hear more details, I suppose. 🙂
I believe it’ll work for you, no matter where you are in the process. Take a peek, and let me know what you think:
Hope you’ll join us!
Sounds like a great festival, the memoir sessions should give you a great boost for the May shape up. Count me in BTW!
Yay!!!!! Details are here:
I’ll join the Summer Shape up 🙂
Have fun at the festival!
Love your nickname for Dr Ph…..
what a douche – he’ll only sign the hardcovers ;o/
Re: I’ll join the Summer Shape up 🙂
I made ’em up on the spur of the moment (the Summer Shape-up AND my new name for Dr. P).
Glad you’re going to join us. You can find the details here:
I’ll join the Summer Shape up 🙂
Have fun at the festival!
Love your nickname for Dr Ph…..
what a douche – he’ll only sign the hardcovers ;o/
Oh my gosh…and I thought I was the only non-Dr. Phil fan around.
Awww, I thought the Shape-Up challenge would be to get our bodies inot shape. But wips are good…count me in.
We can do both, right? That’s my plan, anyway. 🙂
Here’s the overall details on the Shape-up. Glad you’re joining us!
Count me in for the Summer Shape-up. 🙂
YAY! Here’s the details and sign-up instructions:
The book faire yesterday was terrific. We got to hear Ray Bradbury speak and he was utterly amazing. I hope you enjoy it today!!! And yeah, I saw that note from Dr. Phil. What a pompous ass.
I’m going to finish the first draft of a novel this summer, so I’ll join you!!!
YAY!!! You’ll be a great addition to our group!
Details on the Festival after I finish the Fast Draft Express tomorrow…
I’ll look forward to hearing your take on the Festival!!!
I’ll look forward to hearing your take on the Festival!!!
The book faire yesterday was terrific. We got to hear Ray Bradbury speak and he was utterly amazing. I hope you enjoy it today!!! And yeah, I saw that note from Dr. Phil. What a pompous ass.
I’m going to finish the first draft of a novel this summer, so I’ll join you!!!
That festival sounds like such fun.
Boo Hiss to Dr. “Pill.”
I’m intrigued by the Summer Shape Up and am eagerly awaiting the details.
It was tons of fun. More details after the Fast Draft Express ends tomorrow.
‘Til then, here’s the Summer Shape-up overview:
I’ll take the purple bracelet challenge. This will be hard, but heck, I’m up to the challenge!
The purple bracelet challenge (mine, anyway) ends tomorrow, but you can still order them from the website I linked. I’d be interested in hearing what you think. 🙂
Summer Shape-up intrigues me. Count me as someone who would love to hear more about it.
Check it:
Ugh. I hate both Dr. Phil and Mitch Albom. The two of them together? Kissing each other’s butts? I want to vomit all the way over here in Ohio.
But I hope you have a great time at the festival!
And I would join you in the Summer Shape-Up, but I’ll just be starting a new WIP. Maybe I could just do a word-count check-in or something.
I think it’ll work for where you are, too:
Hope you’ll join us!!!