bluemalibu started this meme — a challenge to our writerly vocabularies because it involves one very restrictive rule. Namely, you’re supposed to leave a one-word comment that you think best describes me.* It can only be one word. No more.
Got that? Now copy & paste this in your journal so that we can drop off a word that describes you.
*Bilingual, I’m not. If I’ve butchered the Spanish in my header, I hope you’ll correct me on my error(s).
Finished? Here’s three more things to think about:
Please hold all good thoughts for our own bostonerin, who’s waiting on some potentially exciting news!
Oh, snap! Brent Hartinger on Brent Hartinger: “I’ve always been a productive writer. I think that’s because I’ve supported myself from my writing since 1989 and if I don’t write, I don’t eat. So when I talk to writers who tell me it takes them three years to write a book, I think, “Really? Um…why?” I mean, maybe if you’re talking War and Peace, but a 250-page teen novel? What exactly do these folks do all day? They always make me feel so guilty, like I’m doing something terribly wrong.”
Poll Limbo, aka How low can you go? President Bush’s approval ratings fell to a new low of 28% today, according to a CBS poll. Other things with 28% approval ratings: boxer briefs, porn, reptiles, body hair on guys, a wall along the Mexican border, and cottage cheese (courtesy of D.C. Confidential).
Warm. 🙂
Warm. 🙂
These are good, Melodye–you post your opinions and calls to action in a way that is inspiring. You ooze classiness and I am confident that anyone on this board who had the opportunity to meet you would jump at the chance. :)You are also warm, inviting, and sweet. 🙂
Okay I cheated–I explained.
En espanol
En espanol
En espanol
They took some of mine. Ok, I know, one word, no mas… So, no hyphenated words then I’m guessing… here we go:
They took some of mine. Ok, I know, one word, no mas… So, no hyphenated words then I’m guessing… here we go:
They took some of mine. Ok, I know, one word, no mas… So, no hyphenated words then I’m guessing… here we go:
And about Brent — great quote…I don’t think I could take three years to write a book if I tried…but who knows? Maybe I *should* try it 😉
sincere 🙂
sincere 🙂
sincere 🙂
Same here. I have a full-time job (and possibly another part time job coming up soon), and for now, because I have a kid, the jobs that brings me hard cash have to take priority. It’s life for me. A lot of writers (usually published ones with no children) can’t seem to grasp that. As much as I want to sit around all day and work on my writing career, I’ve got to feed Aidan. And also raise him and all that good stuff. Ha.
I’m not bitter or anything…okay, maybe defensive.
Same here. I have a full-time job (and possibly another part time job coming up soon), and for now, because I have a kid, the jobs that brings me hard cash have to take priority. It’s life for me. A lot of writers (usually published ones with no children) can’t seem to grasp that. As much as I want to sit around all day and work on my writing career, I’ve got to feed Aidan. And also raise him and all that good stuff. Ha.
I’m not bitter or anything…okay, maybe defensive.
One word? That sucks! How can you sum up the entirety of a person with one measly word? lol… that blows.
Moving on now, how in the hell can porn only have a 28% approval rating. I am pretty sure that’s inaccurate… I can just about guarantee that porn is far more popular than the Preznit. 🙂
Okay, your one word shall be….
HA! Farblonget. You have an exceptionally good memory!.
I didn’t even know that word! :}
-Pamela, a non-farblonget
The one no one’s mentioned!
: )
I admit I stole that.
I admit I stole that.