The linked article (Hot and Dead: Literary Vampires Before Twilight) is interesting, but HuffPo’s illustration is downright creepy. Or maybe it’s just me?
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The linked article (Hot and Dead: Literary Vampires Before Twilight) is interesting, but HuffPo’s illustration is downright creepy. Or maybe it’s just me?
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It’s not you. IT’S CREEPY!
What, you don’t think he’s hawt???
Not. At. ALL!
I do love how that girl is trying to smile through it all, like the whole scenario is perfectly normal and not creepy at all. Meanwhile, you know she’s thinking…
“Oh God, please let them just get the shot so I can go to lunch and get away from this weirdo.”
Like some gawdawful community theater, eh? 🙂
Oh my you’re right! It IS. Ha!
It looks like he’s roaring at her–like he’s trying to scare a bug on her neck and make it fly away.
They’re both cracking up, which makes the whole thing kind of ridiculous, which is probably part of the point.
You may be right. Not one whiff of sexiness in that pose, is there?
Definitely not.
It is TOTALLY creepy!!! LOL! EW!
I know, right? 😉 I can’t figure out why they used that particular photo. It doesn’t match the tone or intent of the article. Not. At. All.
It’s the perfume that made him go wild.
Ha! Her fragrance…or his cologne? She seems a bit giddy, herself.
HAHAHAHAHA! That third pic is *totally* creepy. So not sexy. lol…
I wonder if they were trying for humorous. (??) I dunno, but if true, they overshot it by a mile. *shudders*
By at least a mile. lol…