I love word play and, like many people I know, I think kittens are utterly irresistible. But the combination of same on this holiday card from U.S. Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (addressed to me) seems bizarre at best — a target for catty remarks.*
Card front
Captioning: “Pet The Cat. (term.) The act of surfing down the line of a breaking wave while dragging one’s hand across the face of the wave.”
Image: Wetsuit-clad Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, with kitty-cat Gretzky strategically positioned on her lap.
Card inside
Captioning: “May this year’s big blue wave carry you in to a joyous and happy holiday season. Love, Loretta and Gretzky (a.k.a. “Shark Biscuit”)”
Image: Dana Point waves, by photographer Dave Sweeney
(*What, you wanted to see the fur fly? This isn’t the blog where that happens. If you’re looking for claws-extended, down-and-dirty cat fights, you gotta go here.)
Well, it certainly must stand out in a stack of Christmas cards.
Sure does! LOL
Dude, that is TOTALLLLY southern California.
Yeah, baby, you’re right!
Yeah, baby, you’re right!
Dude, that is TOTALLLLY southern California.
My reaction, too!
My reaction, too!
Oh my! So tacky! The woman has no taste. I couldn’t bring myself to vote for her. Good heavens, who is her promotions manager? If you want to make an impression you use recylcled paper with an ecological motif, and with a tiny announcement saying that 17% of the sales of this card went to the poor handicapped children in the US.
I’m with you on all that you’ve written!
I’m with you on all that you’ve written!
Huh. Well then. I think it would’ve had a little special something added to it if the break of the wave had had a surfboard and a little pair of feet tumbling through.
Yeah, I’m just a little mean.
BTW, have you received anything in your mail or do I have to be ticked off at the Post Office?
Pshh…you think she wanted to draw attention to the wave?!?
I ADORE my HAUTE CD, Barb! I got it earlier this week. Bad, bad manners on my part! (Check your inbox for an email.)
Pshh…you think she wanted to draw attention to the wave?!?
I ADORE my HAUTE CD, Barb! I got it earlier this week. Bad, bad manners on my part! (Check your inbox for an email.)
The card might be a bit bizarre but I feel nothing but gratitude since Loretta Sanchez defeated the totally bizarre/unhinged “B-1 Bob” Dornan. That man was so whackadoodle, all other weirdness pales in comparison.
Oh, I agree with you about her race against Dornan! And I agree also that her card (like Dornan) is bizarre.
Wow! I didn’t know you knew U.S. Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez =)
Not THAT well, LOL!