This gave me paws

I love word play and, like many people I know, I think kittens are utterly irresistible. But the combination of same on this holiday card from U.S. Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (addressed to me) seems bizarre at best — a target for catty remarks.* 

Card front

Captioning: Pet The Cat. (term.) The act of surfing down the line of a breaking wave while dragging one’s hand across the face of the wave.”
Image: Wetsuit-clad Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, with kitty-cat Gretzky strategically positioned on her lap.  

Card inside

Captioning: “May this year’s big blue wave carry you in to a joyous and happy holiday season. Love, Loretta and Gretzky (a.k.a. “Shark Biscuit”)”
Image: Dana Point waves, by photographer Dave Sweeney

(*What, you wanted to see the fur fly? This isn’t the blog where that happens. If you’re looking for claws-extended, down-and-dirty cat fights, you gotta go here.)


  1. TACKY!!!
    Oh my! So tacky! The woman has no taste. I couldn’t bring myself to vote for her. Good heavens, who is her promotions manager? If you want to make an impression you use recylcled paper with an ecological motif, and with a tiny announcement saying that 17% of the sales of this card went to the poor handicapped children in the US.

  2. Huh. Well then. I think it would’ve had a little special something added to it if the break of the wave had had a surfboard and a little pair of feet tumbling through.

    Yeah, I’m just a little mean.

    BTW, have you received anything in your mail or do I have to be ticked off at the Post Office?

    • Pshh…you think she wanted to draw attention to the wave?!?

      I ADORE my HAUTE CD, Barb! I got it earlier this week. Bad, bad manners on my part! (Check your inbox for an email.)

    • Pshh…you think she wanted to draw attention to the wave?!?

      I ADORE my HAUTE CD, Barb! I got it earlier this week. Bad, bad manners on my part! (Check your inbox for an email.)

  3. The card might be a bit bizarre but I feel nothing but gratitude since Loretta Sanchez defeated the totally bizarre/unhinged “B-1 Bob” Dornan. That man was so whackadoodle, all other weirdness pales in comparison.

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