There’s got to be a simple explanation.

I never thought it would happen, but this morning, Paris Hilton’s got me stumped. 

Just a couple of months ago, she told the world that “nobody seems to get” that her dumb blonde act is “iconic,” that she’s simply following in the footsteps of other savvy celebrities. You know: like Princess Diana and Marilyn Monroe. Sure, it was a stretch to think of Paris as a candidate for membership in Mensa, but I did my best to believe her when she said she was faking her ditziness.

But today, I find myself twisting my index finger through my own blonde curls, perplexed about her latest revelations on this topic.  Her contradictory confession?  “I’m not that smart…I forget stuff all the time.”  

I’m puzzled. Could it be possible that Paris Hilton’s IQ is declining at the same meteroric rate that her Q factor is falling? Or was she viewing her genius through those rose colored glasses all along? If you’ve got the 4-1-1, please clue me in, ’cause I’m like, so totally confused!


  1. Personally I think she’s an idiot, but I’ve never met her. However, anyone with that much need for negative attention has got to have a few neurons missing.

  2. Personally I think she’s an idiot, but I’ve never met her. However, anyone with that much need for negative attention has got to have a few neurons missing.

  3. Candidly? I dont waste a moment of brain power wondering about Paris Hilton. I don’t think she’s smart or savvy enough to concoct anything from her head. She is exactly what you see.

  4. Candidly? I dont waste a moment of brain power wondering about Paris Hilton. I don’t think she’s smart or savvy enough to concoct anything from her head. She is exactly what you see.

  5. I think she’s smart when it comes to marketing herself. Take the latest
    4-1-1. She’s going to stay celibate for a year. Like, who’s going to be checking this out? Just about everyone.

  6. I think she’s smart when it comes to marketing herself. Take the latest
    4-1-1. She’s going to stay celibate for a year. Like, who’s going to be checking this out? Just about everyone.

  7. Blech

    I honestly feel repulsed when I look at her. And even if she is Mensa’s poster girl, I feel as if my IQ drops every time I see her fake poser face.

    167…. 162…. 155….

    I better get off this page. STAT. :>

    -Pamela, 131, 118….

    Stop! ;}

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