I’ve just returned from a long string of adventures, which I have not got time to write about just yet. I’m trying to pull myself together for a $500/ticket fashion show and luncheon I’m headed off to in just a few minutes. You can call me Cinderella, because a benefactor’s invited me to this ball.
Before I slip into my ballgown pantsuit and drive off in my carriage Camry, I’ll leave for you some pictures from my trips. Your task, should you choose to play, is to match the photo with the corresponding description. I’ll come back later to detail the experiences behind the images.
A. Fall foliage in Connecticut
B. Pamela (writerross) and me at her favorite bookstore, Book Revue, in Huntington (Long Island)
C. Robyn (Robbiewriter) and her “boyfriendly” (Leo) in Manhattan
D. My agent, Emily Saladino, and me at Writers House
E. Me and my sweet mother-in-law, Gabrielle
i’d like to take a crack a this:
E, C, B, A, D.
you look SO much like my friend Mary, from high school. actually, you look like her but better than her..she’s had a rough life. if she could get it all together, she’d be your twin.
Good guesses! And you know…a lot of people tell me I look like someone they know. I take it as a good sign that I look like someone who’s your friend. 🙂
Great photos!
Thanks — I always enjoy seeing other people’s pictures, and it’s fun to share with my friends, too. For me, it’s a great reminder of wonderful people and experiences.
Sounds like a fun trip!
What was it like to meet your agent in person?
It was a terrific trip!
Emily is a wonderful, positive, professional person — all that I sensed on the phone and in emails, plus MORE. She’s fantastic and so genuine. I love that about her. More kvelling in an upcoming post. 🙂
Don’t you ever take a bad photo? You look great in every one of them!
You showed us a photo of your photogenic agent in another post so that made it easier to figure out which one was Pamela. What a treat to see the beautiful Brooklyn girl and you together.
Can’t wait till one of you finally has time to tell us more about the breakfast meeting. (Hint, Hint)
Melodye: And let’s not forget to discuss how we schmoozed the waiter at Munday’s to take photos and the college kids with our maternal/educational advice to take our photo in the bookstore. ;}
(Can you believe I had my camera in my car and forgot to take a picture? There was just so much to talk about. Time flew by. And I met Mr. Melodye as well. I felt as if we were catching up on old times and not hugging for the very first time. I hope Melodye feels the same.)
About the breakfast: all talk, no eating. ;> (But it was a lovely, old-fashioned coffee shop and the surroundings were perfect: burgandy-leather booths, hat racks attached to the backs, black-and-white tiled floor, and personable staffers. I could not bear the thought of taking Melodye to a character-free diner. Not that it would have mattered in the end. We could have been talking on an ant hill for all we knew. The company was invigorating and… inspiring.
And as natural as if we had been talking face-to-face all our lives.
Looks like Pamela beat me to a description of our breakfast, but I’ll also post something soon. I’m trying to shake some cooties I picked up on my travels.
Glad you are safely back home. Great pics! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much! It’s fun to connect with LJ friends in photos as well as words. 🙂
Wow! Those are great photos! Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks! I love being able to share fun times in pictures as well as words. I’ve always liked seeing your photos, too.
I’m dyin
I’ve been outed!
(an error in the WriterRoss clue, however, in that the photo is from The Book Revue in Huntington, future site of and acclaimed book readings)
-Pamela The Perpetual Optimist but Utterly Camera Shy
Yay! I finally got to “see” you! You’re so pretty!!!! HUGS!!!!
(Pamela turns around to see who Kelsey is talking to)
YOU!!!! I’m talking to YOU–you’re beautiful and you shouldn’t be camera shy! 🙂
Yeah, I figured out that I’d made a mistake while I was driving to that luncheon. Isn’t it funny, how we edit ourselves even when we’re doing something else? Anyway, it’s fixed. 🙂
Whee! Welcome back!
Thanks! We so need to catch up by phone… Send me an email to know when you’re able to talk and I’ll do the dialing. 🙂
Love the pics!!! Writer’s House on the web looks so cool–I bet it was! 🙂
Writers House is GORGEOUS! I’ll post about that soon. And you’re right about Pamela: she’s just as beautiful outside as she is in her heart.
YAY! More pics!!!!
Did you actually get to go INSIDE Writers House?????Very cool. I recognize her from the pic on the WH site. No doubt your were standing there when Amy Berkower’s asst was writing my rejection letter that came last week…no doubt…
We did…we got the grand tour. It’s a lovely old building and it reeks of history and possibilities.
I’m so sorry that your work got rejected. Too bad they passed up the opportunity to work with you and your writing. Someone else will come along, I’m sure of it, who loves what you do and is the right fit.
We had a wonderful time back east! Now, just as soon as I get over this bug I picked up in my travels, I’ll post more…
Love your pumpkin icon, by the way. How cute!
Wow, what great photos! And can I just say that you have very pretty blue eyes? 🙂
Thanks so much for the compliments. You’re so sweet!
I love sharing photos with my friends, and I really like seeing pictures my LJ friends post, too.
What’s the story behind your icon, by the way? It’s really cute. 🙂