Be like a bird
That pausing in her flight
Awhile on boughs to light,
Feels them give way
Beneath her and yet sings,
Knowing that she hath wings.
Victor Marie Hugo
It's National Bird Day, so who else to celebrate this Thankful Thursday than our fine feathered friends!
Here's a photograph of Tama and Itzel, who graced my citrus trees a few years back. I'm grateful for the beauty their mother bestowed on my home, and for the life lessons her hatchlings offered as they broke free of their shells, sprouted long beaks and pinfeathers, and eventually took wing. Their story weaves together tragedy, triumph, and transcendence, as all good stories do, and lingers with me now….
(This series of posts chronicles "my" hummingbirds' lives, from egg to fledge.)
Oh, now that is just adorable. Happy Thursday to you!
They’re sweet, aren’t they? Hard to believe they hatched from eggs the size of tic-tacs.
Birds are so fascinating…we found ourselves watching many of the sea birds while at the beach.
Sea birds are hypnotic, I think…they behave as if they own the skies and the sea.
Love these babies!
My mother in law gets humming birds on her farm in the summer. I wish we could find a nest, but the farm with the wooded area leaves a lot of branches to cover. It must be amazing to see.
Re: Love these babies!
They are stealth, so when you find a nest, it’s like discovering the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Sweet faces.
So innocent at this stage…
No humming birds here. Love your photograph. In honor of National Bird day, we are having baked chicken breast baked in “Sweet Baby Ray’s” Raspberry Chipotle Barbecue sauce. Not as good as Lula Belle’s BBQ sauce but we all have to suffer every now and then. It has been a beautiful day. Hope your day was as good.
LOL, you are wicked funny, Papadan!
It was warm (low 90s) today, and sunny. Can’t complain about that!
(What kind of birds hang around your corner of TX this time of year?)
Right now there are thousands of Canadian geese. My Mom always loved to here the geese honking as they took flight out in the mornings and in the evenings as they returned from a day of feeding. The old Cracklings are always around. Dove, Blue Jays, and we even have a cardinal or two. I have even seen a sea gull that got lost. Only 600 miles south to the sea. They must have learned about our good weather. Have a great evening and an even better tomorrow.
Happy National Bird Day!
So gorgeous! The iridescent colors are amazing, aren’t they? You’ve brought us so close to these lovely little creatures–thank you!
And, I was wondering what happened to your Friday post. I saw it earlier, but now I can’t find it. Is LJ acting up?
I’m in awe of their shimmery feathers, and the strength and courage they exhibit, despite their tiny size. I’m sure there are those who think I’ve gone a little cuckoo over hummingbirds.
LJ made Friday’s pictures all wonky, so I locked down that entry while I fixed it. It’s back now! Thanks for caring enough to ask. 🙂