I’m grateful today for Hope, the mama hummingbird who’s bringing to my backyard garden these little glimpses of heaven.
She carries light on her gossamer wings, quilts earth and sky together with her long, slender beak.
Hope graces our garden with her beautiful presence, brings joy to the present moment and –tucked into that perfect little nest—the tiniest glimpses of Possibility.
She built her home on the strong, high branch of a podocarpus tree, using spider silk and magic. And somewhere in that process, Hope, that thing with feathers, has perched herself on my soul.
Want to know what happened to Hope and her brood, from this point forward? Follow the links to Hope’s Hatchlings, Part One, Hope’s Hatchlings, Part Two, and Hope’s Hatchling’s, Part Three (and a naming contest).
So lovely!
Melodye Shore
Yes, indeed! I posted a lot of pictures to Facebook, but then I decided I wanted to tell Hope’s story on my blog. If you’re interested in seeing what happened after this initial encounter with her eggs, follow the links… 🙂
“Hope” is the perfect name for her. Thanks to you and her for all the beauty. Love that quote, too — floating free of time . . . 🙂
Melodye Shore
It’s been a real joy to watch her in action, and to see what’s unfolding in her nest. I’ve collected all of the daily entries into a series of three posts, the last of which includes a naming contest. You’re so creative–I hope you’ll enter! http://newport2newport.livejournal.com/340618.html
Lovely 🙂
Melodye Shore
It’s been fun to watch Hope and her brood on Facebook. I’ve also posted pictures to my blog.
Good morning, Hope! You are beautiful, patient, and will make a good mother.
Melodye Shore
Your instincts were spot on! Hope’s been a terrific mama!!!
More of her journey (and that of her hatchlings) at this link:
She looks very snug in her little nest. :>)
Melodye Shore
There’s hardly enough room for her hatchling now! If you want to see the drama unfolding again on my blog, here’s a reprise:
There’s a naming contest in the very last entry.
How beautiful! It must be so exciting to watch the progress.
Melodye Shore
It’s so much fun, Barb! A miracle, unfolding before my very eyes. I’ve posted pictures to Facebook, but I decided to reprise them on my blog, starting here:
In the very last entry, I’ll include a naming contest. 🙂
Even though you’d mentioned the post, I didn’t see it until you linked back to it. How sweet mama looks ♥
Melodye Shore
She’s beautiful, and the best mama hummingbird imaginable.
I’ve posted a lot of pictures to FB, but I decided to reprise them on my blog. Here’s the link to the first entry. I’ll post the third one today, and it’ll include a naming contest.