The clock whirred. Patients came and went. For over an hour, I waited for the ultrasound technician to call my name. My injured leg was swollen again, from right below the knee to the very tips of my toes. (This dates back to my face-plant in the church parking lot on Palm Sunday.) How to treat the injury, once and for all? My doctor and I hoped the new ultrasound would give us some clues.
I glanced down at my bloated foot, and my mind spun out to all sorts of horrible things, not the least of which was being forced into Ted hose and Velcro-strapped tennies…maybe for the rest of my life! (Not to offend anyone who wears support hose and sensible shoes for any reason. It’s just that, well, you know how much I love wearing flip-flops! (Footwear selection = lifestyle choice, right?)
The woman sitting next to me interrupted my angst attack train of thought. "Is that a good book?"
"Oh, yes!" I said, and we talked for a few minutes about AMONG PIGEONS, the charming book that cinda_cite mailed to me awhile back. We also discussed an amazing photographer who’d been profiled in the Smithsonian magazine she was reading. From there, we drifted to our mutual love of photography. I confessed to being a novice, at best. "I like to take pictures of birds…and flowers in my garden, mostly," I said.
With shining eyes, she told me about the tropical oasis she’d created in her own backyard–a sanctuary for her, and a playground for butterflies and hummingbirds. "I call it God’s Glory Garden," she said, and when she described it, I’m fairly certain my eyes lit up, too, because she offered to send me a copy of a photograph she’d taken just recently–a close-up of a hummingbird perched on the beak of a Bird of Paradise. She had to be motionless for several long minutes, she told me, but her patience was rewarded with a shot she dearly loved. "That whole experience reminded me of Psalms 46:10," she said. "Be still, and know that I am God." And as she recited the verse aloud, I felt its peaceful reassurance wash over me.
Yesterday afternoon, I got a phone call from the doctor. She said the swelling may take time to resolve itself, but I’ve got nothing to worry about long-term. And coincidentally (?) Pamela Sorenson’s photograph arrived in yesterday’s mail, along with a lovely note on butterfly stationery. I’m grateful to her for reaching out to me a week ago, and for granting me permission to share the picture she describes as "a sweet little hummingbird taking a breather."
What a cool photo!
Best wishes for healing quickly!
Melodye Shore
Thanks, Rose, for the well wishes. I hope Pamela stops by to see all the compliments her photo is getting. 🙂
Isn’t it interesting that the beautiful hummingbird photo found you!
Melodye Shore
Very interesting, indeed. I’m glad that it did.
That is a fabulous photo!
And I am glad your knee will be okay.
Melodye Shore
It’s remarkable, isn’t it? I’m so glad she allowed me to share it with you.
So glad to hear your leg will be okay!
Amazing photo, and of all things, a hummer. Your meeting was fate!
Melodye Shore
Yes, Fate! And to think it was a tiny hummingbird that brought us together. 🙂
Melodye, I’m sorry your leg is swollen again, but am glad there isn’t a long-term problem. That must be a huge relief.
And there you go again, connecting with people in the most amazing ways. That’s a gorgeous photo.
Melodye Shore
Thanks, Tracy. It *is* a huge relief. It’s no fun, this having to prop my leg up on pillows to make the swelling go down. But then again, lots of people have it so much worse than I do. And my problem is temporary, thank goodness.
It’s so amazing, all these “chance” meetings. And I’m so grateful for the gifts they bring my way…this photo included.
It still amazes me how tiny the hummingbird is. Gorgeous photo!
I’m so glad your knee will heal.
Melodye Shore
They’re tiny miracles, aren’t they? I like to think of them as talismans. Like you and your owls…
I love the little synchronicities of life that seem to happen when we most need them, like gifts of grace. We smile and know we’re not alone.
Yesterday, I had to drive into town. I was feeling a little nervous about the traffic and the congestion, so I took a roundabout way home that required more driving but caused less anxiety. As I turned onto the straight-away, a song came on the radio: “Take the Long Way Home.” There’s a line in there about taking time to be part of the scenery that made me relax and smile and just enjoy the drive. It was a perfect moment. I’m so glad you were given one, too 🙂
Sending healing wishes for your leg!
Melodye Shore
gifts of grace
Yes, exactly!
Thanks for sharing your story with me. I haven’t heard that song in a very long time, but I can easily see how it might make you smile. And that it came on at the very moment you needed a lift? Well, there’s a certain kind of magic in that, I think.
Hope you feel better soon Melodye!
And wow, that is one of the most beautiful photos I’ve ever seen!!!
Melodye Shore
beautiful photo
Isn’t it, though? I feel as if we’re bearing witness to Serenity itself.
(Thanks, Lisa, for the well wishes!)
Oh Melodye… I’m so sorry that you’re still dealing with this horrible thing! I really hope the swelling goes away sooner rather than later and that you’re back in your beloved flip-flops right quick! Hang in there, you.
Melodye Shore
Thanks, Kevin! Your encouragement really helps. The swelling’s gone down, for the most part. I’m just hoping it doesn’t happen again.
Great picture! I’m so glad you’re healing, and I’ll be hoping the swelling goes down soon 🙂
Melodye Shore
The swelling was down quite a bit this morning…a touch of serendipity, perhaps?
I’m glad you liked the picture. I hope Pamela stops by…she’d probably enjoy reading all the compliments it’s received.
Wonderful connections–from the accidental correspondent with , to you, to the woman in the waiting room. I like how this fabric is woven. And what a lovely photo she sent you!
Glad to hear the swelling will eventually go away, and that there’s no long-term or serious problem. Hope the “eventually” is sooner rather than later.
Melodye Shore
“…from the accidental correspondent with cinda_cite…”
See, I oftentimes wonder whether these are accidental meet-ups, or whether they’re part of some larger plan. I don’t know the answer, but in the end, it’s how we respond to these opportunities that really matters. Seems to me, anyway. 🙂
Thanks for the lovely compliment, and also for the well wishes. I appreciate them–and you!
The Two Birds in my garden…
I was very blessed by your words about our devine appointment in the waiting room…I truly think I have met a kindred spirit in you…
Every morning in my devotional time I pray the simple prayer of Jabez from the Bible. It goes, Lord bless me indeed, expand my territories, place your hand upon me, and keep me from evil. It has changed my life…It might sound selfish to some that I ask to be blessed, but it is the simple request that I not miss one of my earthly blessings God has in store for me, expand my territories means, Lord lead me where you want me to go for your glory, open doors for me and give me the courage to step through them. Place you hand upon me, let me sit at your feet Lord, touching your garment with your arm around me for comfort, healing and stillness. Let me hear your heart Lord, and let my heart be more like yours. Keep me from evil, place your hedge of protection before and behind me. This simple prayer of Jabez is wonderful and so simple.
Every morning I also go out in God’s Glory Garden and sprinkle the plants with water and picture it as God’s grace raining down on me and the plants. It refreshes me every day just knowing that He is with me each and every day. In the quiet of the morning is when my little hummingbird came to visit me. It was just waiting for me to take it’s picture. It stayed there at the pointed end of the bird of paradise just posing for me and turning it’s little beak in profile so he could look me straight in the eye with intent and thankfulness for feeding him all the time. “Be still and know that I am God”. We all need that important verse from the Bible to still our hearts and minds in these busy lives we lead.
Thank you Melody for sharing our time together with all your loyal friends and readers. You truly have a way with words, and are blessed with a gift.
We will get together again in our lives for I feel we can bless one another.
Blessings to you all,
Pamela Sorenson
Melodye Shore
Re: The Two Birds in my garden…
Pamela!!! It’s so good to see you here! I do hope you’ve basked in all the praise given to your gorgeous photo. I’m glad that you explained more about how that picture came about.
You know, I’ve heard people speak about the Prayer of Jabez before, but I especially appreciate the humbleness woven into your personal interpretation. Thank you for sharing it with me, and for giving of yourself during our “chance” meeting at the clinic. xo
Re: The Two Birds in my garden…
Dear Melodye, God is trying to expand my territories again. My pastor at Heritage Christian Fellowship in San Clemente, has challenged us all to the 48 hour rule… If God gently speaks to me through his holy spirit, he challenges us to respond to his nuddging. If His quiet voice gives you a word for someone else, act on it within two days… Do it for God, Be bold and step out in faith. Melodye, when I met you I was being bold and sharing my faith with you, I usually talk and dance around coming right out and telling people that I am a christian. I have opened up my heart to Jesus, and invited him into my life to be my Lord and Savior. I usually just let people see my gently ways in my actions and encouraging words. But, yes he make be bold that morning. By the way I’m glad you leg is feeling better… Sometimes God’s make us slow down a bit so we can hear his voice, and surrender more to him…
Now he is pushing me even futher, He would like me to invite you and all your friends in this wonderful blog to “God’s Glory Garden” to see all His splendor in person.
I still have to heal up a little more from a terrible summer cold, with a deep deep deep hard cough that wears me out…So with God’s healing power for all his childresn I know I will be better real soon. So you will all be hearing from me soon for a invite. Let’s make it a celebration of life and beauty, and not only nourish our souls but our tummies too. So we can all bring our favorite salad and have a gastronomical delightful time together.
Blessings to you and all your friends,
Pam Sorenson
Melodye Shore
Flip-flops are a wonderment and a force with which to be reckoned. I cannot sing their praises loud enough. 🙂
Thanks *so much* for giving me a copy of AMONG PIGEONS. I’m thisclose to finishing, and I’ve been deeply touched by Dr. Wood’s (poignant, evocative) story. I added a link to AMONG PIGEONS’s website. Hoping that’ll help connect people with further information about the book, as well as that sleepover event. I appreciate all that Dr. Wood is doing to help bring attention to the plight of those who are perhaps less fortunate than us.
Now if you were out here in West Texas old Doc Saw Bones would just prescribe a fifth of good old fashion moonshine. Get a little of that down would make your foot better in no time. I did ask old Doc what he though of what happened to you. He seem to think you might have had a little more than a sip before going to church. I told him I didn’t think so but it must have been that west coast sun in your eyes and didn’t see the ground coming up at your face.
Bubba said that picture of the little bird sure was mighty pertty. Reminds him of the West Texas sunrises out here. Be sure to check out my post as I have just put some more out of this world pictures.
Now you just take care of your self and if needed, I just might get old Doc to send your some of his special liquid medicine.
Thoughts from God’s Glory Garden
Hi Melodye,
I read a message the other day and would like to share it with you and maybe all your friend if you agree:
Each one of us is gifted and creative and HE has a dream, a hearts desire in us that we are meant to be operating out of. We try to work a job to meet our needs but HE has designed us for a purpose. We are living far beneath our inheritance. HE calls us to the place in HIM. HE sees us high and lifted up in heavenly places, and speaks to us in that place as heirs and joint heirs, son and daughters. The old testament story about the ark staying at the house of Obed-edom says that, when the ark was there his household flourished, and was blessed, he, his family and everything he owned was blessed – well how much more are we in this better covenant richly blessed, for the ARK abides in us ! I pray a circle of peace around each person we are praying for and speak restoration and life and validation and affirmation and healing joy, saturation of joy and love. Pour in HOLY SPIRT and mend that which was torn, repair the breeches, and the broken down places, strengthen the feeble and let us dream again. Imagine yourself living the dream life, remembering your hearts desires, restore hope, vision , leave the past and take a step by faith to walk into today, refreshed and inspired to walk in the authority of your bloodline in CHRIST JESUS, you have authority to take this land, to call those things that are not as though they are calling dead things to life and believe. Step into your destiny by faith. The price has been paid in full, you are redeemed, well able, the bride and the soldier/warrior living heaven on earth, thy kingdom come on earth, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, through the love of JESUS blood who gave us a way to live, carrying the ARK wherever we go. We live representing HIM, ambassadors carrying the glory of GOD.
Blessings to each and every one of you…Enjoy the day…and bask in HIS beauty the surrounds us all.
God’s Girly Girl, Pameal Sorenson