My citrus trees are still blossoming like crazy, and lookee here! My banana shrub is coming into bloom!
Not to steal away the singular pleasures of this moment, but this seems to me an apt metaphor for my writing of late, which is why I've posted this Thankful Thursday entry a day early. 🙂
Beautiful! And I have to say it was lovely to have that breath of spring when I was out in your part of the world last week.
Your garden is amazing. 😀
Thanks, Liz. It’s not perfect by any means, but I enjoy my garden very much, and I cherish the moments I get to share it with you. xoxo
Ooooh! Can I come visit? 😉
Absolutely! My garden gate (my home!) is always open to you!!! xo
You’re sweet! I love Southern California, especially this time of year. No plans to visit soon, but I’ll try to check in with you next time I’m down that way. 🙂
Man, I need these images. We had cold icy rainy sleety snowy stuff yesterday under gray gray skies. Today we’re hitting mid-40s and have blue sky. Woohoo!
I think we should take our coffee mugs into the backyard this morning, maybe do our yoga stretches there? The full moon’s just tipping below the horizon, and the sky’s still bathing in its silvery reflection. And though the sun’s not yet awake, the air is still and warm.
Meet you out in back……….
Yay! Brewing a fresh pot of vanilla-hazelnut coffee right now….
So beautiful!
They’re really tiny, no more than 2 inches across. But I love their creamy petals–and, of course, the banana/Juicy Fruit fragrance.