It’s been a week since I spoke about The Face of Hunger at Second Harvest Orange County’s “No Lunch” Lunch. It was an incredible experience, and I felt your presence beside me when I spoke. I’ve wanted so much to reach out to each of you personally, to say thanks for your support; but in truth, the experience was so powerful that I needed time to digest it all.
I shared a portion of my own story, as you know, for the very first time in public (save for "Luz," my essay in DEAR BULLY). I talked also about the faces of hunger all around me, now and in my past. Neighbors in need, about whom we’ve all heard whispers down the lane. The faces of hunger—invisible until and unless your eyes grow accustomed to the dark.
Tears fell, not all of them mine. I reached for my water glass, swallowed hard until I regained my composure. The audience (about 350 people or so) waited patiently, leaned forward in their seats as if to encourage me. And when I headed back to my table at the end of my speech, they rose to their feet. I just about burst in tears again, what with all that smiling and clapping.
I don’t remember much that happened after that, save for a few snippets of conversation—some of it more personal than I feel comfortable sharing. But here’s a brief snapshot:
One well-heeled woman cupped my hands in hers, and she peered into my eyes with what seemed to me a mixture of curiosity and pity. “Just keep on doing what you’re doing, honey,” she said.
“This is your Esther Moment,” another woman said. “I know, because I’ve been up on that stage, same as you.”
An elderly person approached me, eyes twinkling. “Your father would be so proud…You’ve got the preacher genes in your blood, just like he did."
People will hear what they will…will see what they choose…will say whatever they want, whenever. It’s not up to me to evaluate their perceptions. I'm still exploring my own truths. But I will say that I was humbled by this experience, and by the outpouring of support. And, yes, I feel some measure of pride for having done what I set out to do. I made a joyful (if sometimes blubbering) noise! And the tears we shared that afternoon? I suspect they were transformed into “showers of blessings” — for Second Harvest, and for the faces of hunger they serve.
What words can I add, of any measurable worth? Only this: I'm deeply grateful. xoxo
I knew you would know exactly what needed to be said because you speak from the heart. People that speak this way has a special gift to be able to touch people in the right way. I’m sure Second Harvest will be blessed by your talk as well as those that heard the words you brought forth from very deep within. The blessing those people received will be small in regards to what you will receive.Your blessings will come from above because you spoke from the heart. May God bless you today and even more in the days ahead.
Oh, I’m so glad it went well, Melodye! Your Esther moment–yes, that is the right description. 🙂 and
So much love and so much courage. I’m proud of you, dear friend.
I cannot wait to read your memoir, nice and published and amazing. Your writing even in your LJ is lovely!
This is beautiful and you have so much strength and courage to share your story. I’m so incredibly happy for you and proud of you. I knew that your story would touch and move many people and it most certainly sounds like I was right. This sounds like an amazingly beautiful and poignant talk you gave and that it spoke to their hearts. You have that ability you know, to move people and to speak directly to their hearts. It’s one of your many amazing gifts. I’m so glad you had the chance to do this and to share your story… a story people need to hear. You are an amazing and wonderful person, my friend.
From Cathy
So many stories go untold. So many empty bellies cry silent tears. In sharing your story and a small portion of your, for lack of a better term, complicated and unfair circumstance, you gave a voice to those who have not been able to share details of their hunger. I have no doubt you inspired all who attended to look a little closer at the person next to them, to the child in their children’s schools, to the family on the street…or next door. xo Much love to you. -Cathy
You’re so special…I’m honored to know you 🙂
Thanks for sharing this, Melodye. You’re an inspiration.
I’m in tears picturing you up there, sharing your story and your heart. You are a lioness.
What a moment, opening like the water lily in your picture, making so many ripples. Thanks for making us a part of it. Though one day I do want to hear you speak like that in person. I think I will. Thanks for spreading what you know to be true.
I’m so glad for you … and for the lucky people who got to hear you … and for Second Harvest!
Wonderful to hear that things went so well. What a light you are!
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