1. Oh, I can’t wait to read your story!!
    And what a great tale of fruitcake-ing! I always liked it best when it was still in the batter phase, before the icky citron and etc. went in. Spice cake is good!

  2. OMG, that just came SO alive. And how amazing to find that tub once again.

    The ghosts of fruitcakes past must have preserved it. We all know those are the few things that will survive the Apocalypse: Little Tykes toys, cockroaches, Keith Richards, and fruitcakes.

    • Thank you, Sherwood. I’m praying that I’ll finish the first draft by the new year. Getting the first draft down on paper has taken quite a while; I haven’t got many chapters to go, but finishing them will help my writerly confidence grow by leaps and bounds.

  3. Oh my gosh. I remember those fruit cake from Christmas’s past. Some were really good and some were really bad but the memories will always live on. I was going through Mom and Dad’s stuff this last weekend and found 4 still wrapped in the Christmas paper and dated back in the 1950’s. LOL… Not really but it gives body to this. Will they actually last that long?
    Once again you have brought up your works in progress and have once again wetted my mind to read more. As Larry the Cable Guy would say ” Git’ur done.”

  4. LOVE your snippet and fruitcake memories. I’ve never baked anything that required a washtub before. Wow. With all that bourbon, I would say that was very serious fruitcake!!

    • ((Hugs)) and thanks!

      I’m going to submerge myself in this draft as of this afternoon. One more LJ post, and then I’m going cold turkey until this draft is done. Advice and encouragement are always appreciated–especially from prolific writers such as you.

  5. Coral’s doing very well. Thank you so much for asking!! She was 5 years cancer-free this past Thursday. Isn’t that incredible?!? I don’t know why those specks appeared on her CTs, and we still don’t know why her blood markers rose so high. But the good news is that her doctor’s not concerned now about those spots, and her blood levels returned to “normal” between late spring and late last month. We’re definitely celebrating the good news this holiday season!
    Hey, is that a decorated pillow in your icon? Or two ornaments? Or…whatever, it’s very festive. πŸ™‚

  6. I love the snippets that you post Melodye! Your book is going to be amazing and I’m definitely going to be first in line to buy it!

    We had a washtub like that too, but my mother made dandelion wine in hers. My brother and I were always lifting up the cheesecloth to snag a few of the raisins and orange pieces.

    As for the fruitcake, I have always hated the stuff so I make Bishop’s Bread instead. It has cherries and chocolate in it, which is 1000 times better than citron!!

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