Thankful Thursday: Land of Medicine Buddha
Being in nature helps to calm the everyday thinking mind, with its restless concerns and perennial planning. Likewise, the body feels more at ease outdoors, and the heart begins to open to and resonate with the peace, silence, and stillness of the natural world. –From Awake in the Wild, by Mark Coleman
I can’t begin to recount all the treasures I brought home with me from Land of Medicine Buddha, but here’s a handful of gems from my vast collection: hiking among the giant redwoods…savoring a late-night concert in a fresh-mown meadow…howling coyotes roosters crowing…swapping secrets with special friends…reveling in the sounds of silence…seeking clarity beneath the fog-shrouded moon and stars…turning upside-down and inside-out in yoga sessions…sensing Oneness…and always, always coming back to the breath.
Somewhere, somebody once said, “It is the I behind the eye that sees.” So true, and I admit in humbleness that my own field of vision is limited. Nevertheless, I hope these pictures reveal in some small way the magnificence of this past weekend.