My byword for 2009
T’was grace that brought me safe thus far,
and grace will lead me home.
Amazing Grace, a hymn
Harmony helped set the tone for me in 2008. This year, I’ve chosen a related word: Grace.
Grace is one of those words with a multitude of definitions. Here are some commonly held meanings:
- Elegance and beauty of movement, form, or expression
- A pleasing or charming quality
- Courtesy or decency
- A delay granted for the completion of a task or payment of a debt
- The favor of God shown towards humankind
- A short prayer of thanks; gratitude
- To honor or favor
- To decorate or make more attractive
This word has special significance for me, within and beyond the confines of my childhood experiences. And for this coming year, I’ve broadened my interpretation even further. In all humbleness, I’ve reshaped it into a verb and a noun—an action plan and a state of being:
When my thoughts are in harmony with my highest ideals and aspirations; when my actions are in synch with the rhythmic order of the Universe; and when I conduct myself in a way that honors the Creator and all creation, I am living in a state of grace. May it be so—may I work every day to make it so—in 2009.
Photo Credit: Amazing Grace rose