Fast Draft Express
I started April with a simple writing goal: draft 5,000 words per week. But I kept going off track, and by the second week, I’d totally derailed. I thought getting the words down fast would help me outpace my inner editor. That may be still be true, but in my word-counting haste, I’d breezed past an important first step (for me, anyway). I needed a tightly-structured set of destination points – to wit, an outline. So I put the brakes on my first goal and started over.
Turns out, that was a good decision. Here’s what I accomplished during the second half of the month:
I filled an awesome, oh-so-organized 2-inch binder with research materials, interview notes, bullet-pointed brainstorming sheets, and a preliminary chapter outline.
I read two writing books (Writing Memoir; Your Life as Story).
I analyzed several memoirs for structure, theme, and voice.
I placed key events on a timeline, which helped me identify a common theme and connecting threads.
I developed an organizational spreadsheet that includes scenes, character development/transformations, and subplots.
I wrote an overview and a draft synopsis.
The Purple Bracelet
In theory, the purple bracelet project helps us realize how much we complain each day, so we can (re)focus our energies on the positive. But I wasn’t always able to distinguish between commentary and kvetching. Consequently, I found myself repeatedly switching the bracelet from one wrist to the other. Two weeks went by in a frustrating, purple blur. I’m usually an upbeat, optimistic person; but honest to Pete, that bracelet was handcuffing all my thoughts!
According to the project website, an observation becomes a complaint if/when energy is expended. Based on that assertion, I took the bracelet off two week ago — by then, I’d spent entirely too much energy on an ugly accessory that was making me miserable. It’s been 14 days since I removed it, and I’m feeling very positive about that decision, too.
Looking Ahead
I’ve started a Summer Shape-up challenge for writers who want to whip their Works-in-Progress into shape this month. More than 30 people have signed up so far; I hope you’ll join us! My goal for May: to write, polish, and send sample chapters to my agent by June 1st. Before I write the entire book, I want to be sure I’m on the right track.
Next time, I’ll tell you all the fabulous things I learned at the Festival of Books.