Summer Shape-up is a friendly challenge for those of us who want to whip our works-in-progress into shape.
Planning to join us? Before Tuesday, please create an action plan that’s appropriate for your situation and your own body of work. For example, this might a good month to add definition to a project you’ve just started. Or, if you’ve just punched your last ticket on the Fast Draft Express, perhaps you’re ready to pare down or beef up some weak scenes. Been hampered by your inner editor? Make this the month you get rid of those weighty self-doubts. If you’ve been slacking lately, you might want to add frequency and intensity to your writing sessions. And hey, how about throwing in some fitness-related goals, to help offset all that butt-in-chair time? Bottom line: set your goals high enough that you’ll have to stretch to reach them, but don’t hurt yourself by creating unrealistic expectations.
If you want to be part of our team (and I definitely hope you do!), please write your goals and plans in the comments section. Next, mark your calendar so you’ll remember to begin your new routine on Tuesday, May 1st. Let us know if you need some coaching, and of course, we’ll always be here to cheer you on. We’ll weigh in every Tuesday in May, and we’ll celebrate our final results on Friday, June 1st.
UPDATE: You might also want to join our LJ community: Image credit here.