Breathing in the blessings
I’m distracted this week by all the Thanksgiving dinner preparations.
Ha! Who am I kidding? My culinary contributions include bread-baking (kneading it myself, thankyouverymuch) and ordering a pumpkin pie. Then it’s over the freeway and through the palms, to a good friend’s house we go.
But in the meantime, I’m carving out some time to work on my revisions. I’m grateful for the many blessings I’ve received during my lifetime; but this week, I am making a special effort to be mindful of all the gifts that come of writing my story down. And also? I’m not ashamed to admit that I am actively seeking more.
Author Laraine Herring suggests that these deeper blessings come from the wellspring of self-awareness:
Self-awareness is the primary foundational principle of deep writing. Self-awareness is important because when you see yourself and your world from a place of nonjudgment and honesty, you can clearly see the areas you need to work on in your writing. If you don’t have a realistic picture (or refuse to look at one) of your strengths and weakneses, you’ll likely flounder longer than you need to. Every writer has strengths and weaknesses. No writer is perfect at all the components of writing. Acknowledge and honor the strengths and weaknesses of your own writing self and you’ll be well on the way to deepening your craft.
WRITING BEGINS WITH THE BREATH: Embodying Your Authentic Voice*
And so it is that I find myself greeting another new day…mindful of all that is, and grateful for all that’s yet to be.
The teakettle’s on, and I’m hoping we can spend some writing time together, fully present in each other’s presence. But if you don’t have time to stop by…HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I pray that you’ll be blessed with life’s abundance.
*Read my writing buddy’s online book review.