The optimism of our Founders

It may be midnight in Washington, but the sun will rise again. I put my faith in the optimism of our Founders. You should too. —Congressman Adam Schiff
Like Congressman Schiff, I believe in my heart of hearts that right will prevail over dark, and that the sun will rise again. It’s an optimistic view that I hold close, when the sky is blanketed by wooly-gray clouds and the air is filled with uncertainty.
I’m not entirely sure what tomorrow will bring, much less the moonless hours between midnight and dawn. But I see this short pause in the proceedings as an unexpected gift. We’ve been fully engaged in the impeachment trial, for and against acquittal. We’ve pored over the documents and listened intently to the arguments–on both sides. And as a result, we see the broader landscape. We know and accept our role in the larger battle. But in this moment, we’ve been afforded a temporary reprieve. Time to lay down our burdens. Time to nurture our inner warriors.
Most of us can’t afford a spa treatment, much less a luxury vacation. No worries. Self-care is invaluable, but it doesn’t require tons of money. As the axiom goes, simple pleasures are oftentimes the best.
Breathe deep the calming scent of lavender. Lean into a treasured friendship. Listen in the quiet for the robin’s chirp and the honeybee’s hum. Unplug. Sit still. Just be.
These ideas too tame for you? Let loose your inner hedonist. Indulge yourself with the crunchiest vegetables, the sweetest fruits, the perfect cuppa, award-winning books, and all manner of fine chocolate. Or…write your own prescription.
The revolution won’t fall apart in our absence. All will be well, so long as we remain united in our resolve. Everything will work out for the good, if we remain committed to our highest ideals. I truly believe that. But to that end, I also believe that even the most valiant warriors need an occasional respite. So let’s take a quick break. Rest. Renew. And then come together again in a show of force, fully equipped for these and other liminal moments.