Thankful Thursday: Hope on Wheels
I love spontanaity and swirl, and the memories that come of venturing into Unknown Territory. So as you might imagine, being strapped for weeks on end into an ortho boot is starting to wear a bit thin. It's certainly put a damper on my outdoor activities–like one of those parking boots they slap on your front tire for unpaid tickets.
But look, shiny object! Beach wheelchairs, provided free to State residents by the California Coastal Commission!
Whee, our tax dollars at work!

And so it was that I was able to spend last Sunday afternoon at Crystal Cove State Park, careening over sand dunes, snapping photographs and splashing through the waves in a bad-ass, fat-tire wheelchair.

It was a feast for body, mind and spirit…an afternoon of unbridled joy.
Here, an amazing gift to those of us who hear the ocean beckon but who can't wiggle their toes in wet sand, for however long and whatever reason. It's another of those "impossible things before breakfast," made possible this time by compassionate, community-minded legislators. Yes, oh yes, I'm grateful.