All Signs Point to…

Happy New Year’s Eve, everyone, and welcome to this encore performance of Magic 8-Ball predictions! Wondering what 2010 holds in store for you? The Magic Eight Ball is ready to forecast your future.
No need for "psychic hotlines" or mass-produced fortune cookies…when you consult the Magic 8-Ball, you’ll receive a personalized response from the gen-u-ine article! The rules of engagement are simple:
- DO address the Magic 8-Ball with all due respect ("Oh Magic 8-Ball…" or something similar).
- DO submit Yes/No questions.
- DO concentrate as you click on the "post comment" button.
- DO ask as many questions as you’d like, but enter them as separate comments.
- DON’T be deterred if the Magic 8-Ball tells you to ASK AGAIN LATER.
- DON’T take the Magic 8-Ball too seriously, but please accept my sincere wishes for the happiest New Year ever!