1. My day feels richer for having heard this story.

    I am content for now. But honestly, I can’t wait to read your book.

    Thanks for the reminder of how to look and listen. xo

    • I think you’re onto something, Jeannine. These “chance” encounters happen when I shut out the noise and open myself up to the Universe.

      (((Thank you)))

  2. My day feels richer for having heard this story.

    I am content for now. But honestly, I can’t wait to read your book.

    Thanks for the reminder of how to look and listen. xo

  3. My day feels richer for having heard this story.

    I am content for now. But honestly, I can’t wait to read your book.

    Thanks for the reminder of how to look and listen. xo

    • I know, right? I had to sit with it for quite a while before trying to write it into words. But I have to confess, I called my sister and my husband right away, so incredulous was I about what happened…

    • I know, right? I had to sit with it for quite a while before trying to write it into words. But I have to confess, I called my sister and my husband right away, so incredulous was I about what happened…

    • *shivers alongside you*

      I wish I could say that I accepted the gift for what it was, but I was afraid that the memory would be fleeting, that the moment would be lost if I didn’t capture it–her–with my camera. The picture, of course, does no justice at all to the real subject of this story. Ah well, I have once again proved myself human. 🙂

    • *shivers alongside you*

      I wish I could say that I accepted the gift for what it was, but I was afraid that the memory would be fleeting, that the moment would be lost if I didn’t capture it–her–with my camera. The picture, of course, does no justice at all to the real subject of this story. Ah well, I have once again proved myself human. 🙂

  4. That is incredible…not only the experience itself, but YOU for being able to shut everything out (coffee, yoga, day-to-day routine) and let it play out. Most people would have given this woman a smile, a nod and dashed out the door. You were smarter than that!

    • I dunno about smarter, but tuned in…yes. My husband suggests that I’m more likely to meet “friends along the way” because I am receptive and people sense that. I’d like to believe that it’s true, because I’d love to have these blessings continue.

  5. Random commenter swooping in to say…

    …I love this story, and I love the miracle of how, somehow, the world contains exactly what we need.

  6. Anonymous

    Surprising Encounters/Visitataions

    I can see the the glint in your angel’s eyes, and of course you couldn’t resist that smile. I’m so glad I got to experience the story first by hearing it from you. As amazing and touching as it is in print, the story is deeper and richer when you tell it.

    I would love to have had a Nana like yours. My grandmothers didn’t have an impish side, and I didn’t have a close relationship with either of them. The next time I visit, let’s look in Nana’s button box and imagine the stories that go with the buttons.

  7. Here via Sartorias. That was a wonderful story to share. Wonderful. Road-to-Emmaus wonderful. Mystery and miracle.

    The ripples of it, too, from your sharing it. Truly a miracle.

    • Sartorias sent you my way? Oh…that’s so very kind of her, and I’m very happy to “meet” you.

      Road to Emmaus. Wow, indeed. Truly, it was a sign and a wonder, and I feel part of the blessing is in the retelling. Thank you for stopping by to listen.

      • I shared it with my younger daughter just now, and we both got all choked up talking about it. I wish you could have joined in the conversation too–but thank you for bringing it about. LJ is wonderful this way.

      • I shared it with my younger daughter just now, and we both got all choked up talking about it. I wish you could have joined in the conversation too–but thank you for bringing it about. LJ is wonderful this way.

      • I shared it with my younger daughter just now, and we both got all choked up talking about it. I wish you could have joined in the conversation too–but thank you for bringing it about. LJ is wonderful this way.

    • Sartorias sent you my way? Oh…that’s so very kind of her, and I’m very happy to “meet” you.

      Road to Emmaus. Wow, indeed. Truly, it was a sign and a wonder, and I feel part of the blessing is in the retelling. Thank you for stopping by to listen.

  8. Re: angel eyes

    She has beautiful eyes, doesn’t she? Alive and attentive and loving.

    Yay for being connected across time and space through our grandmothers. Thanks for stopping by and for sharing part of your story with me…

  9. Re: angel eyes

    She has beautiful eyes, doesn’t she? Alive and attentive and loving.

    Yay for being connected across time and space through our grandmothers. Thanks for stopping by and for sharing part of your story with me…

  10. So beautiful. MUST you make me cry when I’m sneaking in blogging/blog reading from work? I certainly hope you’re satisfied. 😉

    PS At first I wrote “sneakling” instead of sneaking, which reminded me of “Lordly.” 😀

  11. Thank you for posting this little bit of magic, Melodye.

    I don’t know why these “surprising encounters” happen so often to me

    It’s because you are tuned into the Universe. You are open and stop to look and listen. When these “chance” encounters happen to you, you count them as a blessing instead of turning away like so many would do. You have learned to “accept.”

  12. Thank you for posting this little bit of magic, Melodye.

    I don’t know why these “surprising encounters” happen so often to me

    It’s because you are tuned into the Universe. You are open and stop to look and listen. When these “chance” encounters happen to you, you count them as a blessing instead of turning away like so many would do. You have learned to “accept.”

  13. Thank you for posting this little bit of magic, Melodye.

    I don’t know why these “surprising encounters” happen so often to me

    It’s because you are tuned into the Universe. You are open and stop to look and listen. When these “chance” encounters happen to you, you count them as a blessing instead of turning away like so many would do. You have learned to “accept.”

  14. I can’t believe I almost missed this, Melodye. Something made me go over your posts, and now I know why!

    What a special gift this story is for all of us. There is a poem that I love by the Persian poet Hafiz that somehow reminds me of this story and of you, my dear friend.

    Old Sweet Beggar

    Path to God
    Made me such an old sweet beggar.

    I was starving until one night
    My love tricked God Himself
    To fall into my bowl.

    Now Hafiz is infinitely rich,
    But all I ever want to do

    Is keep emptying out
    My emerald-filled

    This tear-stained

  15. Anonymous

    So pretty! There was an article in today’s paper about hydrangeas and about how hard it is to produce the intense blue colour that most people, including me, prefer. I’ll enjoy looking at yours, because (I think) hydrangeas are poisonous to animals.

    I just posted my final tulip photos of the season on my blog.

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