I’m headed to the gym in a couple of minutes. Anyone care to join me? And afterward, how ’bout we sprawl in the backyard lounge chairs…laptops fully charged, iced tea at the ready.
Oh, it’s so good to be back!
Where will our imaginations lead us, and how might we best translate those new findings to the page? There’s a rainbow of possibilities in front of us, so I say: let’s chase ’em down together!
"Colorsplash" via Photobucket
Yay for a rainbow of possibilities — and you! I just finished some must-be-done-but-not-that-creative writing this morning on the east coast, and now I’ve got my iced tea and am ready to be more wandery and open in the heat of the porch: tying up one manuscript, dipping into another. And when it gets too much — I’ll be heading for a swim! (and possibly new ideas in the water)
Melodye Shore
Good on you for getting the not-so-fun writing out of the way! I admire your disciplined approach, and hope that the afternoon writing sessions (with swimming!) felt more like recess than hard slog.
So nice that you’re back, Melodye! I’ll be trying to write with you when you get back from the gym. Here’s to all the possibilities. 🙂
Melodye Shore
Dearest Lorraine, I’m really sorry to read about your coming down with such a bad cootie!! Worried doesn’t begin to cover how I feel. I hope you’ll give yourself time and space in which to recover. I’m glad, though, that you’re hanging out with me. *pours you a soothing cuppa* Come, sit. Relax in the warm sunshine; the writing can wait. xoxo
Lovely to see those rainbows — and you! I’m just wrapping up my day here, but I’m still mulling over lots of book ideas in my head, so here’s to possibilities! I hope you have a wonderful day.
Melodye Shore
Thanks for the lovely wishes, Amy! Hope you discovered the Just Right book idea…the proverbial pot of gold at the end of your rainbow day.
Love the rainbow possibilities 🙂
Melodye Shore
You and me both, Robin. 🙂 The color spectrum is gorgeous, especially in the sunlight.
Melodye Shore
Yeah, I’m more lark than night owl, that’s for sure!
How did your writing day work out for you? I’m glad to hear you’ve paved over that plotting issue, and hope things unfolded for you in a magical, obstacle-free way.
Didn’t get any writing done yesterday. 🙁
Hope to remedy that today. 🙂
I’m in! I want the lawn chair that will leave cool waffle marks on the backs of my legs.
Melodye Shore
Smart girl–it’s the closest to snacks & pitcher of iced tea. 🙂
*smiles at the rainbow-ish thought of sharing writing time with you*